French Far-Left Join Green Party in Anti-Macron Parliamentary Election Alliance
France’s Greens and the party of far-left leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon reached an agreement Monday to join forces against President Macron.
France’s Greens and the party of far-left leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon reached an agreement Monday to join forces against President Macron.
Brexit leader Nigel Farage has given his take on Emmanuel Macron’s victory over Marine Le Pen in the French presidential elections, predicting that the populist challenger is not done yet and the status quo is on borrowed time.
Muslims in France voted overwhelmingly for Emmanuel Macron, with 85 per cent of Muslim ballots going towards keeping the French President in power.
French presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen has paused her election campaign over a lack of official endorsements needed for her to run for office in April.
PARIS (AP) – A French far-left leader got a faceful of flour at the start of a Paris march Saturday against “the ideas of the far right,” days after the French president was slapped while greeting a crowd.
Two were arrested after French President Emmanuel Macron was slapped in the face during a meet-the-public walkabout on Tuesday.
Leader of the far-left France Insoumise (Unsubmissive France) Jean-Luc Mélenchon has taken a leaf out of Ken Livingstone’s book by blaming an Israeli right-wing party for Jeremy Corbyn’s election defeat.
The French National Assembly passed two bills this week concerning the censorship of “fake news” that have been sharply criticized as an attack on freedom of the press and the imposition of an “official truth.”
French counter-terror police arrested 10 members of a group on Tuesday which French media have called “ultra right”, as an investigation source says they planned to attack French politicians, mosques, and immigrants.
PARIS (AP) — Paris’ prosecutor’s office says that France’s leading left-wing politician — a vocal opponent of President Emmanuel Macron — is embroiled in an ongoing corruption investigation over alleged fictional parliamentary assistant jobs in the European Parliament.
A new poll has shown that only one-third of the supporters of the far-left former presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon will vote for globalist Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the French presidential election.
Contents: France’s presidential election in doubt because of abstainers; France’s Eurosceptic Marine Le Pen starts to backtrack on euro policy
Marine Le Pen has reached out to supporters of her hard-left former rival Jean-Luc Mélenchon, arguing her anti-establishment pitch reflects their outlook better than centrist former Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron.
As the last few results come in, Front National Leader Marine Le Pen and left winger Emmanuel Macron are vying for the top spot as both hover around 23 percent of the vote. What is certain is that the two candidates will
PARIS (AP) – French voters began casting ballots for the presidential election Sunday in a tense first-round poll that’s seen as a test for the spread of populism around the world. Over 60,000 polling stations opened at 0600 GMT for
The first round of the French presidential election Sunday has become a four-way race in recent weeks as the main contenders have drawn closer to each other in the polls. In the early days of the campaign, the race looked
Venezuelan nationals in Paris have denounced far left presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon who recently praised former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
Many of the wealthy in France are considering leaving the country in the event that far left presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon wins the presidency in May due to his massive tax raising policies.
Former U.N. ambassador John Bolton took stock of President Trump’s foreign policy on Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Alex Marlow.
Contents: EU officials increasingly fear a Marine Le Pen upset victory in France’s elections; Marine Le Pen fights accusations of anti-Semitism; The threat to the ‘European project’
Anti-mass migration Front National leader Marine le Pen and independent candidate Emmanuel Macron continue to hold the lead positions for the first round of France’s presidential election which is rapidly becoming a four-way race.
PARIS (AFP) – Jean-Luc Melenchon, a fiery Communist-backed eurosceptic vowing to return “power to the people” as France’s next president, says he has mellowed after years spent giving the establishment a tongue-lashing.
PARIS (AP) — With a bleed-the-rich video game and anti-EU rhetoric, French far-left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon is rattling financial markets by swelling in polls just 11 days before the presidential vote.