James O’Keefe - Page 11

Brad Friedman's Lies Fail to Save ACORN

For once, the liars aren’t winning. For months now, Brad Friedman has engaged in a fundamentally dishonest campaign to save ACORN, by claiming that an inconsequential detail about James O’Keefe’s costume somehow erased the fact that ACORN employees sought to

Is ACORN's Bankruptcy Claim Just More Deceit?

ACORN, the ultra-secret, keep-the-books-from-the-leadership community organizing group, called the New York Times to say it’s preparing to file for bankruptcy? The corrupt outfit is choosing now to be transparent? Or did it seek that opportunity to call an allied newspaper

Court Dismisses ACORN Suit vs. 'Pimp', 'Hooker' and Breitbart.com

Ben Sheffner, at Copyrights and Campaigns Blog, has the breaking story: A state court in Baltimore has dismissed ACORN’s lawsuit against James O’Keefe, Hannah Giles, and Breitbart.com LLC after the plaintiffs failed to serve the complaint on the defendants within

Subprime Mortgage Crisis Hits Whorehouses

It looks like Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes is on track to win another endorsement from ACORN! This week, Hynes announced that “no criminality has been found” after his investigation of the videotapes made by investigative journalists James O’Keefe and

Subprime Mortgage Crisis Hits Whorehouses

It looks like Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes is on track to win another endorsement from ACORN! This week, Hynes announced that “no criminality has been found” after his investigation of the videotapes made by investigative journalists James O’Keefe and

Debunking Some Emerging ACORN Liberal Myths

This post debunks several liberal myths about ACORN that have emerged in recent weeks — many from Eric Boehlert of Media Matters and Brad Friedman. POSING AS A PIMP AT ACORN Liberal Myth: James O’Keefe did not pretend to be

What Happened to That ACORN Investigation Jerry Brown Promised?

California Attorney General Jerry Brown seems to be getting a lot of reminders from his gubernatorial challengers Steve Poizner and Meg Whitman about his failed governorship of the state from 1975-1983 when Californian’s endured high unemployment, home foreclosures, large scale

My $100 Offer to Eric Boehlert of Media Matters

**Update here: Boehlert responds… I am offering Eric Boehlert of Media Matters the easiest $100 he ever made. All he has to do to earn the $100: unequivocally state whether James O’Keefe pretended to be a pimp at ACORN offices.

Max Blumenthal, You're Being Booger-Boarded

Max Blumenthal has an amazing thesis: All conservatives and Republicans are beneath contempt. He also has an amazing line of work. He is underwritten by various media organs to prove his thesis. In a previous era, Blumenthal and said media

Max Blumenthal, You're Being Booger-Boarded

Max Blumenthal has an amazing thesis: All conservatives and Republicans are beneath contempt. He also has an amazing line of work. He is underwritten by various media organs to prove his thesis. In a previous era, Blumenthal and said media

Max Blumenthal, You're Being Booger-Boarded

Max Blumenthal has an amazing thesis: All conservatives and Republicans are beneath contempt. He also has an amazing line of work. He is underwritten by various media organs to prove his thesis. In a previous era, Blumenthal and said media

ACORN's Attorneys Stole $450,000 From Missouri Taxpayers

In July 2005, the United States Justice Department began investigating Missouri for non-compliance under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). Justice was not investigating for failure to register voters; rather the problem was too many voters. About 1/3

How the World Works: Max Blumenthal and His Vicious Alinsky Tactics

While some people debate the merits of the current healthcare legislation in Congress, or attempt to expose corruption in our government, Max Blumenthal instead engages in character assassination using the most questionable sources. Recently, as has been well-documented on BigJournalism,

Correction Request: Politico

Update: Politico corrected this piece and issued the following statement: CORRECTION: This story was altered to reflect that O’Keefe and Basel are on pre-trial release, not probation or parole, as was stated in an earlier version. We thank them for

Breitbart Gets Hit, Punches Back Twice as Hard

**Post updated with higher quality video and audio. For those you who haven’t been following our extensive coverage of Max Blumenthal’s character assassination attempt of James O’Keefe, a fringe blog called One People’s Project was the key source in Blumenthal’s

Salon.com Allows the Lies to Continue — Why?

Max Blumenthal is attempting to stand behind his story. His article at Salon.com remains unchanged even though the Village Voice and Dave Weigel at The Washington Independent have written detailed corrections contradicting Blumenthal’s post. At his personal website he recounts

Correction Report: The Village Voice

Yesterday the Village Voice published a piece “OPP: James O’Keefe, ACORN and Landrieu Stinger, Ran Racist Forum” which they erroneously claimed that James O’Keefe “organized a speaking forum for white supremacists.” This Village Voice released this update this afternoon: James

Correction Request: Max Blumenthal, Salon.com

In Max Blumenthal’s article “James O’Keefe’s race problem” for Salon.com of February 3, 2010, Mr. Blumenthal makes a number of unverifiable and provably false claims regarding James O’Keefe’s attendance at a 2006 conference called “Race and Conservatism.” Below are the

Washington Independent: O'Keefe Not Involved with Forum

David Weigel at the Washington Independent interviewed Marcus Epstein, organizer of the “Race and Conservatism” event that has been labeled as a “Racist Forum.” He flatly denies allegations that have been made that James O’Keefe worked at the event or

James O'Keefe, protector of African-American Children

The Left accusing James O’Keefe of being racist against blacks is the equivalent of accusing Oskar Schindler of being racist against Jews. Before O’Keefe became famous throughout the world for his undercover sting of ACORN, he was celebrated in the