James Hodgkinson

Acts of Terror: A History of Left-Wing Political Violence in America

After a Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer attempted to assassinate Republican members of Congress in Virginia, many on the left began insisting that “both sides” need to moderate their violent political rhetoric. But history proves that leftists are guilty of most of the politically-motivated violence in the United States.


Delingpole: Alexandria Shootings Show the Left’s Toxic Hatred Has Gone Too Far…

Gosh what could possibly have been the motivation of Alexandria shooter James Hodgkinson, the Bernie-Sanders-loving, Russia-collusion-obsessed liberal activist whose Facebook page boasts about his participation in the Climate March on DC, celebrates the wisdom of Neil Degrasse Tyson, “likes” a cartoon showing Steve Scalise to be in league with the Ku Klux Klan, thinks the U.S. is secretly run by the Koch Brothers, and who signed a petition with the left wing online pressure group Change.org claiming that “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time To Destroy Trump & Co”?

James Hodgkinson