Islamophobia - Page 3

Delingpole Podcast: Brendan O’Neill on the Disillusioned Culture of Political Correctness, Identity Politics, and Cultural Relativism

In this week’s Delingpole podcast, special guest Brendan O’Neill talks about his dismay at the “conformist and stifling” “blob-like thinking” in our PC culture, which allows “quite comfortably well-off people to play the role of a victim”, pretending that their “lives were hard”, and blaming it on “male privilege”.

free speech

Trump’s First 100 Days: Establishment Goes to War to Halt President’s Agenda  

Donald Trump’s first one hundred days in office have witnessed an unprecedented obfuscation campaign by Democrats, some Republicans, the establishment news media and a coalition of outside agitators attempting to disrupt the billionaire’s presidential agenda, smear top administration officials, sow seeds of chaos, and delegitimize his already historic presidency.
