‘Going Clear’ Director Calls on IRS to Revoke Scientology’s Tax-Exempt Status
Going Clear director Alex Gibney wants the IRS to revoke the Church of Scientology’s tax-exempt status.

Going Clear director Alex Gibney wants the IRS to revoke the Church of Scientology’s tax-exempt status.
Representative Charles Boustany (R-LA) touted tax reform, tax relief, and greater “accountability and transparency at the IRS” during Saturday’s GOP Weekly Address. Transcript (via ABC News Radio) as Follows: “Hello, I’m Charles Boustany, and I have the great honor of representing
The real lesson of this exchange: John Harwood wanted to ambush Ted Cruz with an assault on his credibility, in an interview he had plenty of time to prepare, and the only thing he could come up with was the number of IRS agents Cruz mentioned in a joke. Is that really the ground defenders of the Lyin’ King and Hillary “I didn’t want to carry two cell phones” Clinton want to fight on?
The exact number of agents working for the IRS is not relevant to either the joke Cruz was making, or the serious and legitimate point underlying it: the same government that pronounces itself utterly helpless to keep track of immigration scofflaws, or secure the border, is very aggressive about keeping tabs on law-abiding taxpayers.
The really dangerous development of the administrative state is that bureaucrats no longer fear the wrath of our elected representatives, many of whom are so interested in making the State bigger and richer that they’ll no longer countenance even token attempts at holding it responsible for its actions, because that would empower the people who want to make it smaller.
Documentarian Alex Gibney’s new HBO exposé Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief has raised new questions about the church’s classification as a nonprofit organization and its resultant tax-exempt status.
In the five years since the Supreme Court decided Citizens United vs. F.E.C., liberal special interests have attempted to silence independent speech and the voices of non-profit organizations. Their radical agenda has been embraced by President Obama and Democrats in
IRS Deputy Inspector General Timothy Camus testified that his office recovered an additional 424 recovery tapes used to back-up IRS e-mails “that had never been disclosed” in testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Thursday. “Two weeks ago,
Last week, the Obama administration admitted it sent out 800,000 Obamacare forms with incorrect tax information–a government mistake that threatened to force Obamacare customers to resubmit their tax returns and possibly delay their refunds. This week, however, the Treasury Department says that will not be necessary.
H&R Block reports that half of Obamacare enrollees owe the IRS money after receiving too many subsidies.
Roughly 800,000 Obamacare customers are seeking answers as to why the Obama administration sent them the wrong tax information–a government error that could delay their tax refunds.
Don’t go spending thatt tax refund just yet. The Obama administration says some 800,000 taxpayers were sent the wrong ObamaCare information, and will have to hold off on filing their returns.
Are you sick and tired of the IRS? Do you owe back taxes? Do you want to be finished with all of the threatening phone calls? The fear, the terrorizing and intimidation? Well we have the answer for you! Just renounce your American citizenship and become and illegal alien!
As tax season begins conflicting rules over the tax penalties for Obamacare are plunging millions into confusion, especially the working poor who are not eligible for subsidies but do not make enough to afford a new healthcare insurance policy.
Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) declared that the IRS is “not going to get anymore funding until [it] re-gain[s] some element of trust” on Thursday’s “On the Record” on the Fox News Channel. “I’m on the Senate Finance Committee, and this
A.B. Stoddard, Associate Editor of The Hill, argued that the IRS has “absolutely bought the idea the American public isn’t paying attention to this” on Wednesday’s “On the Record” on the Fox News Channel. “This investigation has gone on for a very
The Obama administration, which lauds itself as “the most transparent administration in the modern era,” has refused to release over 500 IRS Tea Party targeting documents.
Illegal aliens granted amnesty will be able to apply for tax credits from years they worked illegally, the IRS commissioner tell Senators.
In an interview with Bill O’Reilly of Fox News about a year ago, President Obama said that President Richard Nixon was actually more liberal in his policies than Obama is.
End of sequestration signals explosive new spending splurge in Washington; The Iraq war had nothing to do with the federal deficit; Government receipts plunged when the bubbles burst; The high federal deficit is caused by bubbles bursting, not the Iraq war
Treasury officials have announced that 3-6 million people will be forced to pay the Obamacare tax penalty for not having health insurance in 2014. This is the first time the Treasury Department has given such an estimate.
A new study from the Pew Research Center examined Americans’ views on government agencies, revealing that citizens are more favorable toward the Department of Defense and NASA than they are toward the IRS or President Obama.
Another State of the Union speech; another empty pageant of “signals” sent by selecting special guests; another chance for President Obama’s party to create a brief illusion of popularity by furiously applauding pronouncements that will be forgotten within days; and another wish list of billion-dollar spending proposals designed to make the opposition party look bad by blocking them. None of it has anything to do with responsible government, and only the political class will pay much attention.
Dr. Ben Carson, a potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate, earned cheers at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention on Sunday when he said that the IRS should be eliminated. Carson made the suggestion while criticizing President Obama’s tax hike, set to be unveiled in this week’s State of the Union address.
The Obama administration’s relentless efforts to punish the American people for defying its wishes continue, as the Internal Revenue Service throws a massive temper tantrum about “budget cuts” and tells terrified Obamacare victims they’re on their own this tax season.
Reports indicate it may take as long as 30 minutes to speak to an IRS agent capable of answering simple questions.
Mort Zuckerman named “the IRS harassment of a lot of political groups” the worst political scandal of 2014 on Friday’s “McLaughlin Group.” Zuckerman was the only one who named the IRS the worst scandal, with John McLaughlin and Eleanor Clift
The next ObamaCare disaster critics have been warning about is upon us, as the approach of Tax Day means it’s time for subsidy recipients to settle up with the Internal Revenue Service.
Thanks to an assortment of delay tactics, including a colorful episode where former Tax Exempt Organizations head Lois Lerner was depicted as a one-woman electromagnetic pulse bomb who caused every hard drive she walked past to detonate like a firecracker,
AUSTIN, Texas — True the Vote, a Houston, Texas-based non-profit organization focused on “voters’ rights and election integrity,” has appealed a U.S. District Court’s order dismissing their lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Breitbart Texas has learned. The lawsuit had alleged that the