IRS - Page 12

House Oversight Republicans Call For Removal Of IRS Commissioner, Threaten Impeachment

“As leader of the IRS, Commissioner John Koskinen has repeatedly failed to take responsibility for the destruction of evidence by the agency an the numerous misstatements he made to Congress abut this matter. Because of his actions, and the actions of others at the agency he leads the American people may never know the truth about the IRS’ targeting for conservative-tax-exempt applications,” the lawmakers wrote Monday in the nearly 30-page letter highlighting the Committee’s findings against Koskinen and the IRS to comply with their probe.

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

IRS Used Donor Lists From Conservative Organizations to Select Audit Targets

Judicial Watch notes that a lawsuit to squeeze documents about the targeting of individuals for audits out of the IRS was unsuccessful, even though a previous FOIA suit forced the agency to admit it was indeed keeping lists of individual donors to Tea Party and other conservative groups, for use in some sort of “secret research project,” even though IRS officials admitted “such information was not needed.”

The Associated Press

Video: Rand Paul Throws IRS Tax Code In Wood Chipper, Chops It Up With Chainsaw Then Lights It On Fire

Paul—who’s wearing jeans and a collar-less tee-shirt emblazoned with “DETROIT REPUBLICAN”—kills the tax code three different ways: He lights it on fire, chops it up with a chainsaw and throws it in the wood chipper. Paul kills the tax code on camera in the different ways as a metallic rock-style guitar plays the national anthem. Paul rolled the video out on Fox News with anchor Bill Hemmer on Tuesday morning.

AP Photo

Report: FBI and IRS Investigating Kurt Busch’s Ex-Girlfriend

After ESPN released a May 22 report charging Patricia Driscoll, former girlfriend of NASCAR driver Kurt Busch, with questionable financial practices in her capacity as executive director of the multimillion-dollar Armed Forces Foundation (AFF), the FBI and IRS have decided to investigate her, according to “Outside the Lines.”

The Associated Press

11 Chinese ‘Maternity Tourists’ Charged After Fleeing U.S., Owners Still Free

Federal arrest warrants were issued for eleven Chinese nationals last week, targeting clients of so-called “maternity tourism” businesses who had fled back to China after being ordered to stay in the U.S. as material witnesses. None of the the owners of the three maternity tourism operations raided in early March have yet been charged for any crime, according to the Orange County Register.

Starbabycare Maternity Tourism (Screenshot /

Leftists Celebrate Tax Day by Protesting for Higher Minimum Wage

Wednesday marks Tax Day in the United States, the day when Americans are obligated to turn in their taxes to the Internal Revenue Service. Normally, you’d expect those who actually, you know, pay taxes to complain about the government robbing them of their livelihood to pay for programs and projects from which they will never benefit. But not anymore.

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Bulldoze the U.S. Tax Code

There is no excuse for today’s federal tax system. It obstructs wealth-creation and jobs. The only interests it serves well are those of the political class. When they debate among themselves about the proper level of taxation, it’s clear that they think the federal government can tax at any level they want.

The Associated Press

IRS: Mistakes Were Made

Judicial Watch has just released a new batch of documents forced out of the IRS that show the Obama administration’s scandalous misuse of the IRS to target Tea Party and other conservatives goes far deeper than realized.

The Associated Press

Boustany Touts IRS and Tax Reform during GOP Weekly Address

Representative Charles Boustany (R-LA) touted tax reform, tax relief, and greater “accountability and transparency at the IRS” during Saturday’s GOP Weekly Address. Transcript (via ABC News Radio) as Follows: “Hello, I’m Charles Boustany, and I have the great honor of representing


Media Tries Getting ‘Pedantic’ On Ted Cruz

The real lesson of this exchange: John Harwood wanted to ambush Ted Cruz with an assault on his credibility, in an interview he had plenty of time to prepare, and the only thing he could come up with was the number of IRS agents Cruz mentioned in a joke. Is that really the ground defenders of the Lyin’ King and Hillary “I didn’t want to carry two cell phones” Clinton want to fight on?

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Ted Cruz vs. Media’s Dark Art Of Highly Selective Fact-Checking

The exact number of agents working for the IRS is not relevant to either the joke Cruz was making, or the serious and legitimate point underlying it: the same government that pronounces itself utterly helpless to keep track of immigration scofflaws, or secure the border, is very aggressive about keeping tabs on law-abiding taxpayers.


The Imperial Bureaucracy Has No Use For Accountability

The really dangerous development of the administrative state is that bureaucrats no longer fear the wrath of our elected representatives, many of whom are so interested in making the State bigger and richer that they’ll no longer countenance even token attempts at holding it responsible for its actions, because that would empower the people who want to make it smaller.

The Associated Press

In Defense of Independent Speech

In the five years since the Supreme Court decided Citizens United vs. F.E.C.,  liberal special interests have attempted to silence independent speech and the voices of non-profit organizations. Their radical agenda has been embraced by President Obama and Democrats in

AP Photo/The Salt Lake Tribune, Scott Sommerdorf

IRS Deputy Inspector General: 424 More Tapes Recovered

IRS Deputy Inspector General Timothy Camus testified that his office recovered an additional 424 recovery tapes used to back-up IRS e-mails “that had never been disclosed” in testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Thursday. “Two weeks ago,
