iPhone - Page 6

Apple Replaced 10 Times the Amount of Batteries Following ‘Batterygate’ Scandal

Apple replaced ten times as many iPhone batteries as they expected after reducing the price of battery replacement for certain models in 2018, following allegations the company was artificially slowing down iPhones, referred to as the “Batterygate” scandal. The battery replacements could have cost Apple up to $11 billion in lost revenue as customers replaced batteries instead of upgrading phones.

The Associated Press

China Objects to iPhone Presentation Listing Taiwan and Hong Kong as Separate Markets

Once again, Chinese media and internet users are lashing out at a Western corporation for the unforgivable insult of listing Taiwan and Hong Kong as separate entities from Communist China. The latest company to trigger the Chinese is Apple, whose iPhone XS rollout event included a slide that listed China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan as three separate markets among the two dozen or so that would receive Apple’s new product on September 21.

The Associated Press