human rights abuses - Page 2

State Media: China Could Export Muslim Labor Camps to the World via the U.N.

China is using its clout over the United Nations to promote and legitimize its so-called “re-education” centers in Xinjiang where communist authorities are subjecting Uighurs and other Muslim minorities to extrajudicial incarceration, torture, forced political indoctrination, the renunciation of their faith, and other human rights abuses, Chinese state media revealed on Monday. 

Uyghurs Protest

NGOs: Cuba Enslaving Up to 100,000 Doctors, Other Professionals Annually

Cuba’s communist regime is actively subjecting tens of thousands of doctors, musicians, professors, engineers, athletes, and other professionals deployed on international missions across the world to “crimes against humanity,” including “enslavement, persecution, and other inhuman acts,” two prominent non-governmental organizations (NGO) revealed on Tuesday.

An elderly patient at the Geriatrics ward of Comandante Manuel Fajardo Hospital in Havana,

US Reducing Mexico Aid Amid Human Rights Abuse Concerns

As allegations of human rights abuses reportedly committed by police and military forces have persisted in Mexico, the U.S. has started to withhold aid payments. For many years, the U.S. has been providing security aid to Mexico, much of it through the Mérida Initiative as a way to counter the efforts of violent drug cartels.

AP Photo/Marco Ugarte

UN Report: Iran’s Human Rights Record Worse Under Rouhani than Ahmadinejad

A report released this month on “The Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran” reveals that Iranians are worse off under “moderate” President Hassan Rouhani than his more conservative predecessor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and that, based on their current trajectory, they are expected to exceed well over 1,000 executions by year’s end.

Iranian police officers and others view the scene as five convicted criminals are hung, in