Howard Fineman

Fineman: Top House Dem Thinks Wasserman Schultz Will Be Out at DNC

Sunday on MSNBC while commenting on Wikileaks releasing 20,000 emails that were stolen from the Democratic National Committee’s servers that showed a bias for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Howard Fineman, the global editorial director of the AOL Huffington


HuffPost Live Host: ‘Fascist Right’ Like Trump, Le Pen ‘Only Sane Voices in the Room’

The confused, panicked muddle of Leftist thought in the wake of the Paris terror attack is perfectly captured in this HuffPost Live segment with Howard Fineman, in which host Josh Zepps worries that a wave of terrorist attacks will grant political legitimacy to “fascists” like Marine Le Pen in France and Donald Trump in the United States… and admits those “fascists” sound like the “only sane voices in the room” to average voters.
