Howard Dean - Page 4

Poll: Majority Support Criminal Investigation of Hillary Clinton Email

It should be noted that the poll was actually conducted July 21 through August 2, so it doesn’t even account for the incredibly damaging recent revelations about classified and top-secret material moving through Hillary Clinton’s server, which is – let’s be frank here – indisputably a federal crime. It’s likely that most poll respondents are not well-versed in the relevant laws, but think it’s simple common sense that such a serious matter should be thoroughly investigated.


Dean: Hillary Only Candidate With Foreign Policy Experience

Former Vermont Governor and DNC Chairman Howard Dean declared that Hillary Clinton is “the only person running with any modicum of foreign policy experience” on Monday’s “MSNBC Live.” After being read a piece in the New York Times about some of the


Dean Compares Birthers to Benghazi: GOP ‘Insane’

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Hardball with Chris Matthews,” former Gov. Howard Dean (D-VT), also formerly the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, compared  President Barack Obama’s upcoming trip to Kenya stirring up birthers to Republicans seeking answers about the events surrounding the


Dean: Walker Thinks Obama Not Christian, Was Born in Kenya

Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean (D) suggested that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) believes President Obama was born in Kenya and isn’t a Christian on Monday’s “Up with Chris Hayes” on MSNBC. “He [Walker] doesn’t have an inner compass, what


Democrats Refuse To Name Islam As Root Of Terrorist Attacks

You just can’t make this stuff up. The former head of the Democrat Party, Howard “The Screamer” Dean is all bothered about Islamic terrorists being called “Muslim terrorists,” even after they were heard shouting “Allahu akbar” while they were mowing down people with their AK-47’s.

Howard Dean, hands up

Howard Dean: Don’t Call Paris Terrorists ‘Muslim’

On Wednesday’s “Morning Joe,” former Gov. Howard Dean (D-VT) downplayed any ties of gunmen that killed 12 at the offices of a French satirical magazines in Paris have to the religion of Islam. According to Dean, we should stop attributing
