NYTimes: Speaker Boehner To Resign At The End of October
NYTimes: House Speaker John Boehner To Resign At The End of October
NYTimes: House Speaker John Boehner To Resign At The End of October
On the anniversary of Sept. 11, the House voted to reject the Iranian nuclear deal on a vote of 162-269.
After he heard two teenagers mock an elderly man’s house, saying, “Look at this crappy house! They just need to burn it down,” Josh Cyganik, a track inspector for Union Pacific Railroad, posted a message on Facebook, successfully rallying volunteers to help him repaint the man’s home.
The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee says the historic Iran nuclear deal reached in Vienna Tuesday will secure Iran’s pathway to a bomb and add to its capability to terrorize the West and the Middle East.
U.S. Rep. Jeff Denham (R-CA), chairman of the House rail subcommittee, has proposed an amendment that could cripple plans for the construction of California’s high-speed rail project. Denham’s amendment would eliminate a 2012 agreement between California and the Obama administration that permitted the state to obtain federal grant money without matching those funds with money from state coffers.
GOP conservatives in the House are worried that establishment Republicans like Speaker John Boehner and his buddies may betray them once again, this time with the effort to repeal ObamaCare.
House Democrats, knowing their primary allegiance is to Barack Obama, met Wednesday with Israeli officials in an attempt to forestall Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s scheduled speech to Congress about a nuclear Iran.
WASHINGTON — Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced that she would assign Muslim Rep. André Carson (D-IN) to the prestigious House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest couldn’t resist drawing attention to Republicans for allowing Rep. Steve Scalise to stay as House Majority Whip, after reports that he addressed a group of people at a white supremacist group convention. Earnest explained that Republicans know that they needed to “broaden their appeal” to minorities, gays, women, and young people, but that it was eventually up to the party to decide.