Hope Not Hate - Page 2

DELINGPOLE: ‘Moronic, Self-Righteous, Disgusting Losers’ Tried to Turn the Berlin Attack on Nigel Farage

I have a very special Christmas message to all those people who attacked Nigel Farage for telling the truth about the Berlin massacre, and to all those who called me a “c***” for being rude about Brendan Cox. You are the reason Donald Trump won the U.S. Presidential election; you are the reason 17.4 million people voted for Brexit; you are the reason the European Union is collapsing. You are hateful, bigoted and—for all your hypocritical pretences to the contrary—fascistic.


EU Prez Says Brexit Campaign to Blame for Cox Murder

Martin Schulz has blamed the murder of British MP Jo Cox on the ‘Brexit’ referendum’s “nasty” leave campaign. Attacking Britain’s referendum debate, the European Parliament president said of the campaign to leave the European Union, “Who would have anticipated precisely
