homelessness - Page 8

Ben Carson Tours Homeless Shelter in Los Angeles

Dr. Ben Carson, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), toured a homeless women’s center on Los Angeles’s infamous Skid Row Tuesday as part of a fact-finding mission aimed at tackling homelessness and providing job training for inner-city communities throughout the United States.

MIAMI, FL - APRIL 12: U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson visits the

Over 2,500 British Veterans Jailed In 2016

Statistics that come as the high-profile court case surrounding Royal Marine sergeant Alex Blackman reaches its conclusion show the disproportionately high level of former servicemen in British jails. Ministry of Justice statistics show that approximately 5 per cent of the

British Police Prison Reuters

San Francisco Journalists Coordinate to Raise Alarm on Homelessness

Journalists and reporters in the Bay Area are joining forces to flood news and social media with reports on San Francisco’s homelessness epidemic next month, with the hope that it will create a “wave” of coverage that will ultimately force politicians to take action to fix a problem that lurks at almost every corner of the space-starved city.

San Francisco homeless tent (Justin Sullivan / Getty)