Pope Francis Washes the Feet of 12 Female Prison Inmates
Pope Francis washed the feet of 12 women inmates at a Roman prison Thursday evening, the first time any pope included no men in the Holy Thursday ritual.
Pope Francis washed the feet of 12 women inmates at a Roman prison Thursday evening, the first time any pope included no men in the Holy Thursday ritual.
Pope Francis said Thursday that Christians must be on special guard against idolatry, which takes worship away from the true God and gives it to the devil.
Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro, his wife “First Combatant” Cilia Flores, and other senior members of his regime filled the San Francisco Church in Caracas on Thursday for a Holy Week Catholic Mass, a privilege denied to the Venezuelan people thanks to Maduro’s nationwide coronavirus quarantine.
On Good Friday Christians commemorate the day on which the Son of God made man was humiliated, stripped, tortured, and, finally murdered on a cross.