Hollywood Reporter - Page 11

'Angels' Not So Demonic?

The first review of “Angels & Demons” hit the streets today and apparently director Ron Howard took a different tack with his second adaptation of Dan Brown novel. The Hollywood Reporter says the “Da Vinci Code” prequel treats The Vatican

First 'Star Trek' Reviews Roll In

The first reviews of JJ Abrams’ “Star Trek” hit the web today and they should please fans of the series, if not fans of Matt Damon. How did Damon weasel his way into this? After denying it for months, Abrams

Who's Watching the "Watchmen" Reviewers?

This is somewhat anecdotal, but when you look at the Metacritic scores below it boosts my theory that truly awful leftist films frequently get better reviews than deserved while solid, entertaining conservative films (now that the left’s ceded “liberty” to

'Torn From the Flag' – New Doc Rips Communism

Documentary filmmakers spend plenty of time examining the Bush administration, the Iraq War and the aftermath from Hurricane Katrina. All are fair game, but few directors tackle the horrifying impact Communism had across the globe during the 20th century. Last

The Obama Hollywood Fallout

Good news for anyone connected to President Obama: Hollywood may soon be calling. That’s right, not just the rich, famous or politically connected; but your average, everyday working person with some sort of connection to the newly installed First Family

Complaint Filed Against NBC's 'Las Vegas' Over Nude Scene

Hollywood Reporter: The PTC said they filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission over NBC’s Feb. 15 broadcast of the “Vegas” season conclusion. In the episode, three shadowy naked women are shown on a casino’s security monitor.