Hillary Clinton Email - Page 5

Krauthammer: Hillary Needs ‘Lying Lessons From Her Husband’

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” columnist Charles Krauthammer said Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton needs “lying lessons from her husband, who was one of the great liars of all time.” Krauthammer said,


Judicial Watch Goes to Court for Hillary Clinton’s Testimony

Hillary Clinton sent three lawyers to federal court this past Monday in an effort to convince a judge that she should not have to provide testimony under oath to Judicial Watch about why she set up and used a non-state.gov email account to conduct official business as secretary of state.

hillary 'rotten' clinton AP

Peter Schweizer: Hillary Clinton Has More Emails Mentioning Yoga Than Russian Nuke Deal

Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer, the author of the bestselling book Clinton Cash joined Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon to discuss detailed analysis revealing significant gaps in Hillary Clinton’s emails. Said Schweizer, “What’s important in the email story is not the emails that have been released – the emails that are there – it’s the emails that are not there that should be there,” said Schweizer.

AP Photo/Mark Lennihan

Sanders: FBI’s ‘Serious Investigation’ Found ‘Serious Problems’ With Way Hillary Handled Classified Information

On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Wolf,” Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) stated that the FBI’s “serious investigation” found “serious problems” with presumptive Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information. Sanders said that


Fmr Supervisory Federal Prosecutor: Clinton’s FBI Interview Was ‘Quick,’ ‘No Question’ Comey Had Evidence To Prosecute, Intent and Precedent Aren’t Needed

On Tuesday’s broadcast of “CNN Tonight,” Marc Mukasey, who served as a federal supervisory federal prosecutor under FBI Director James Comey, strongly praised the integrity of Comey, but expressed surprise that charges were not brought against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee former
