
Iran Creates ‘Treatment Clinic’ for Women Who Defy Hijab Laws

Mehri Talebi Darestani, head of the Women and Family Department of the ominous Headquarters for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in Tehran, announced on Wednesday that a “hijab removal treatment clinic” will be created to provide “scientific and psychological treatment” for women who refuse to obey Iran’s harsh headscarf laws.

A veiled Iranian woman carrying an Iran flag while attending a gathering out of the former

Exclusive – Iranian Opposition Group: Iran Has ‘Failed’ to Quell Uprising, Regime’s Overthrow ‘Now Inevitable’

The “overthrow” of the Islamic regime of Iran is “inevitable,” as it has “failed” in quelling the current uprising, according to a leading member of Iran’s parliament-in-exile, who called on the Biden administration and international community to increase sanctions and “terminate” all diplomatic and political ties with “barbaric” Tehran.

In this photo taken by an individual not employed by the Associated Press and obtained by

Taliban Bans Women from Amusement Parks and Gyms

The Taliban regime in Afghanistan issued an edict on Friday banning women from amusement parks and gymnasiums, purportedly because they were not obeying the extremist government’s orders to wear hijabs and remain segregated from men in public areas.

An Afghan woman exercises at a gym in Kabul on October 5, 2011. Women's rights in Afg

WaPo Worried Images of Unveiled Iranian Women Protesting Regime Could Tie Hijabs to ‘Oppression,’ Justify ‘Sanctions’

Images of unveiled Iranian women protesting against the Islamic regime of Iran following the death of young woman in police custody risk producing “misogynistic assumptions that the veil is a universal marker for oppression,” warned a recent Washington Post essay, which also argued such depictions risk “legitimizing foreign intervention, from increased sanctions to warfare.”

Women burn headscarves during a rally in Cyprus' southern coastal city of Limassol on Octo

Iranian Schoolgirls Tear Off Hijabs, Raise Middle Finger to Ayatollah

Protests in Iran grew larger and louder this week, despite regime efforts to dismiss the movement as a Western propaganda effort, or crush it with police and militia violence. Acts of defiance that were unthinkable a month ago have been reported across the country, while international support for the demonstrators grows stronger.


U.N. Elects Iran to Women’s Rights Commission

The United Nations bizarrely elected Iran, one of the most violently misogynistic governments in the world, to a four-year term on its Commission on the Status of Women on Monday. The vote elicited swift condemnation from human rights activists.
