‘Fake Police’ Used Blue-Lights Car to Beat, Rob Man on UK Motorway
A man had his eye socket and jaw broken by thieves who pulled him over on a motorway with blue police-style lights.
A man had his eye socket and jaw broken by thieves who pulled him over on a motorway with blue police-style lights.
Un funcionario estatal y empresario del estado de Tamaulipas fue herido de bala cuando un grupo de hombres armados trataron de asaltarlo sobre la carretera que conecta esta ciudad con la cuidad fronteriza de Reynosa.
REYNOSA, Tamaulipas — Gulf Cartel gunmen once again fired their weapons at innocent families traveling from Monterrey to Texas. The criminals fired their weapons when a vehicle traveling along the highway refused to stop during a carjacking.
MONTERREY, Nuevo León — Gunmen from Mexico’s Gulf Cartel are targeting tourists returning to Nuevo Leon from the Texas border cities of McAllen and Mission. The highway robberies are taking place in the Mexican border city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas; however, the victims are not reporting incidents until they reach Nuevo León.
MATAMOROS, Tamaulipas — En un intento por salvar la temporada turística de Semana Santa, autoridades estatales y federales desplegaron varios operativos de seguridad en las carreteras que conectan esta ciudad fronteriza con el resto del estado. Ahora empresarios locales piden que los operativos sean permanentes.
MATAMOROS, Tamaulipas — In an attempt to save the Holy Week tourist season, Mexican authorities deployed multiple operations along highways that connect this border city with the rest of the state. Businessmen are asking the government that operations become permanent.
MONTERREY, Nuevo León — Autoridades en este estado han arrestado a uno de los hombres presuntamente responsables de haber asaltado, secuestrado y asesinado a dos trabajadores de una empresa cervecera a principios de mes.
MONTERREY, Nuevo León — Authorities in this state have arrested one of the men allegedly responsible for having robbed, kidnapped and murdered two beer delivery men earlier this month.
SAN FERNANDO, Tamaulipas — Criminales fuertemente armados continúan asaltando y secuestrando automovilistas que transitan por las carreteras de este estado que conectan las zonas fronterizas con el resto del país. En uno de los casos mas recientes, un grupo de sicarios ataco a un matrimonio cerca de esta ciudad y secuestro al conductor del vehículo.
SAN FERNANDO, Tamaulipas — Heavily armed criminals continue robbing and kidnapping unsuspecting motorists that travel along the state highways that connect the border region with the rest of the country. In one of the most recent cases, a group of gunmen attacked a married couple near this city.
SAN FERNANDO, Tamaulipas — La falta de seguridad carretera en tramos donde se mantiene la presencia del crimen organizado en Tamaulipas continua reflejando el panorama desolador de inseguridad luego de que fueran asaltados, secuestrados y ejecutados dos empleados de una empresa cervecera al hacer su recorrido habitual.
SAN FERNANDO, Tamaulipas — The lack of security conditions along highways where drug cartels operate in this border state presents an image of impunity as two beer delivery men were robbed at gunpoint, kidnapped and executed while they were making their regular deliveries.
MATAMOROS, Tamaulipas — Empresarios y comerciantes en esta ciudad fronteriza, han emitido nuevamente una alerta sobre viajes por carretera ante el resurgimiento de asaltos, robos y secuestros de automovilistas.
MATAMOROS, Tamaulipas — Business leaders in this border city have once again sounded the alarm about highway travel after a recent increase in robberies, carjackings and kidnappings.