Rand Paul Introduces Healthcare Freedom Legislation
Sen. Rand Paul introduced legislation Thursday aimed at increasing healthcare access and giving Americans more alternatives to Obamacare and employer-sponsored health insurance.

Sen. Rand Paul introduced legislation Thursday aimed at increasing healthcare access and giving Americans more alternatives to Obamacare and employer-sponsored health insurance.
Elaine Parker writes in the Orange County Register that what is needed in healthcare reform is not more government control, as typified by the ACA and Medicare for All, but the forces of the free market to loosen constrictions upon it and enable innovative solutions:
President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Thursday that puts forward his vision of a healthcare system that places Americans, and not the government, in charge of their healthcare needs.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced legislation on Friday that would expand Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) for all Americans.
Dr. Johnson shares the frustration of patients with the pre-authorization process, where doctors must get prior approval from insurers before conducting even basic health care services. But she maintains Medicare for All is not the answer.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich endorsed the Job Creators Network Foundation’s healthcare framework Friday, charging that the plan is a “smart, comprehensive effort” to fix what’s wrong with America’s current healthcare system.
Elaine Parker of Job Creators Network writes in the Orange County Register that women with families would prefer healthcare reform that preserves the doctor-patient relationship as opposed to a “government for all” approach.
Republicans should take a page out of Donald Trump’s book if they want to stop losing and start winning on healthcare. They should be thinking, and talking, about “protection.”
A spokeswoman for the House Freedom Caucus told Breitbart News the technical and Medicare-related changes to the RyanCare bill up for a House floor vote Thursday will not save the bill from defeat.
Trump’s Obamacare replacement principles: preexisting conditions, Health Savings Accounts, Medicaid flexibility, tort reform, and insurance across state lines.
Ben Carson said he would help President-elect Donald Trump construct a replacement to Obamacare.
“We took the best ideas to reform healthcare and put them together in one bill,” said Rep. Peter A. Sessions (R.-Texas), who in addition to chairing a committee referred to as “the Speaker’s Committee” because of its role in giving the speaker control over the lower chamber, also serves on the House Republican Steering Committee.
Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said, “the government would provide the money for the indigent in their HSA” under his plan to repeal Obamacare and replace it with health savings accounts (HSAs) on Friday’s “Larry Kudlow Show.” Carson was asked about
Cory Gardner and Kelly Ayotte are pushing joint legislation that would incentivize drug companies that manufacture “routine-use contraceptives” to apply to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a switch to over-the-counter (OTC) sales.