health insurance - Page 4

Republicans Should Run Hard Against the ObamaCare Disaster

Not a single promise has been kept, health insurance is objectively worse than it was before Barack Obama got his hands on it, and enrollment is only half what we were promised. The last detail is key, because low enrollment means everything bad about ObamaCare is going to get much worse in the years ahead, if we don’t kill it now.

AP Photo/LM Otero

Scott Walker Releases ObamaCare Repeal-and-Replace Plan

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has unveiled his “Day One Patient Freedom Plan,” a replacement for ObamaCare, which he says he would repeal in its entirety. The centerpiece of Walker’s plan is to restore market competition without entirely removing subsidies for health insurance coverage.

The Associated Press

Obamacare Is a Failed Product

The biggest failure of Obamacare is its inability to create and market a product that healthy people (especially young adults) want to buy.

AP/Don Ryan

Illegal Alien Health Insurance Expanded in 35 California Counties

A panel of eight County Medical Services Program (CMSP) board members appointed largely by unelected, government administrative officials unanimously decided Thursday to give health insurance to illegal aliens that aren’t low income and don’t qualify for California’s Obamacare health exchange

REUTERS/Jason Redmond

SCOTUS Socializes Healthcare

Let the legal and political analysis begin. There will even be conspiracies. I’ll do plenty of coverage on my SiriusXM radio show. First, my personal response. Compassion I have compassion for those like me who opposed the socialization of healthcare.

The Associated Press

ObamaCare: Health Insurance Gets Worse, But You’re Not Allowed to Complain About It Any More

That’s right, ObamaCare victims: those massive premiums you’re struggling to pay, while simultaneously forking over fat tax payments to subsidize the premiums of your neighbors, are much lower than they really should be, because vampire government is also sucking tax money out of you to pay the insurance companies off. The whole scheme falls apart right about the time Barack Obama leaves office, confident that a huge and surly army of insurance welfare dependents, backed up by heavy political and lobbyist artillery from rent-seeking insurance companies, will make his boondoggle indestructible, no matter how unpopular it gets.

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

ObamaCare: Five Years of Smoke and Mirrors

I was recently reminded of a line from Mark Twain’s autobiography: “There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Another way of thinking is that in order for statistics to be meaningful, they must be scrutinized. The recent statistic that 16.4 million people have gained insurance under Obamacare invites our scrutiny.

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky