health insurance - Page 3

POLLAK: ‘Help! My Obamacare Ate My Tax Cut!’

The average family of three will see their Obamacare premium increase by close to $800 in 2018. That will swallow about half of the average $1,600 tax cut middle-class families expect to receive from Republicans’ new tax reform.

Obamacare and Tax Cuts (Joe Raedle / Getty)

Hayward: 9 Vital Principles for Obamacare Repeal

Republican leaders are trying to line up votes for another Obamacare repeal bill, with a vote possibly coming later this week. It’s also possible the new repeal effort will collapse, sending legislators back to the drawing board. Here are some principles to keep in mind, based on what Republicans have been saying to their constituents since 2010, and what happened when they made their first run at repeal in 2017.

Alex Wong/Getty Images