Dianne Feinstein Uses 2007 Handgun Attack to Push More Gun Control
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) used a tweet Tuesday to suggest the April 16, 2007, handgun-based attack on Virginia Tech is reason for more gun control right now.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) used a tweet Tuesday to suggest the April 16, 2007, handgun-based attack on Virginia Tech is reason for more gun control right now.
Victims of last summer’s Danforth handgun attack in Ontario, Canada, are calling for an “assault weapon” ban.
Virginia State Senator Amanda Chase (R) is openly carrying a handgun as a way to deter violent protesters.
Texas Rep. Jonathan Stickland (R) plans a push in the coming legislative session to eliminate the state’s concealed carry permit requirement.
A 7-Eleven clerk in Phoenix, Arizona, shot and wounded an alleged robbery suspect in the early morning hours Christmas Eve.
Ventura County Sheriff Geoff Dean says the Thousand Oaks gunman used a legally purchased .45 caliber handgun in his attack.
A deli clerk in the Bronx wrestled the gun away from a would-be robber Monday and everything was caught on surveillance video.
Bill Clinton called for an “assault weapons” ban the day after a man shot and killed five people in Bakersfield, California, with a handgun.
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California ruled the state’s ban on handgun advertisements violates the First Amendment.
Video shows a suspect shoot and wound a female officer at point blank range before being shot and killed by her partner.
Gun control activist David Hogg suggested AR-15s cannot be used for self-defense because they shoot further than handguns.
Toronto Police Association president Mike McCormack says a proposed handgun ban in Canada would have “no impact” on criminals.
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) claimed there have been “hundreds” of school shootings with “assault weapons.”
Economists from Kentucky’s Transylvania University argue that decreased gun production is responsible for the drop in homicides among black men experienced during America’s boom in private gun ownership.
A intruder targeted an Iron Town, Utah, home that bore the sign, “Smith & Wesson Spoken Here,” and was shot multiple times Tuesday.
An armed robbery suspect fled from an Indianapolis, Indiana, furniture store after his would-be victim, the store owner, pulled a .40 caliber handgun and pointed it at him.
Police reports that a flasher dropped his pants in front of children in Newton County, Georgia, only to be face-to-face with a father holding a handgun.
The Ideal Conceal smartphone handgun is now in production and shipping to dealers around the country. On March 20, 2016, Breitbart News reported that Kirk Kjellberg had created a handgun that looked like a smartphone.
A suspect allegedly tried to steal a car with two toddlers in the back seat on July 4 and ended up hospitalized with a gunshot wound to the head.
A study conducted by the Rockefeller Institute of Government shows mass shooters choose handguns over “assault weapons” by a 3 to 1 margin.
Illinois couple Jennifer and Darin Miller are suing the state’s Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) over a mandate that that homeowners give up their handguns in order to house day care facilities.
Payne County, Oklahoma, prosecutors have released video of bail agent Chasity Dawn Carey retrieving a handgun and shooting 38-year-old James Williams dead.
An Army veteran armed with an AR-15 and a handgun stood guard outside a nearby Fort Wayne, Indiana, high school Monday.
A pizza delivery driver arrived at a home in Mesquite when two men allegedly tried to rob him, which led to a brief exchange of gunfire.
A New Haven, Connecticut homeowner shot a suspected burglar after waking up to the sounds of someone kicking in the front door.
An NRA ad released on September 20 highlights the trepidation of a home invasion and warns women not to let Hillary Clinton leave them with only a phone for self-defense.
The next Apple operating system — iOS 10 — will replace the popular handgun emoji with a water gun emoji.
A mother shot and killed a home intruder she discovered in one of her children’s bedrooms.
Jeb Bush is being ridiculed for a February 16 tweet containing a photo of a handgun and the word, “America.”
On August 11, a homeowner under attack in Lorain, Ohio, was able to retrieve a handgun hidden by his front door and kill the alleged intruder.
Background checks for handguns hit a new high for California in March, just months after yearly handgun sales in 2014 broke a 21-year record in California, as well.
On April 4, a 45-year-old man allegedly forced his way into a Boyd County, Kentucky, home, “engaged in a physical altercation with the homeowner,” and was then shot to death by that same homeowner.
Handgun sales in California broke a 21-year-old record in 2014, and at the same time, firearm-related murders fell to their lowest rate in over 20 years.