H-1B Visas - Page 21

Report: PG&E Offshoring IT Jobs to India to Cut Wage Costs

In the latest high visibility offshoring of Silicon Valley jobs to India, the San Francisco Business Times (SFBT) reported last month that the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG&E) will offshore about 72 information technology (IT) jobs from San Francisco to India in a restructuring that could slash labor costs by 75 percent.

PG&E empty chair (Tony Avelar / Associated Press))

Secrecy Zucks: Why Silicon Valley Is Scared of Donald Trump, Part 2

Frightened political and business insiders have gone to great lengths to keep the American public from learning about the controversial H-1B guest worker visa program, which helps explain why the Silicon Valley elites and the Republican old guard are coming together to try and destroy Donald Trump.

UPI/Terry Schmit

Zuck vs. Trump: The Real Issue Is Immigration

In all the drama surrounding Facebook’s recent meeting with “leading conservatives” and notable Never Trump leaders such as Glenn Beck, Brent Bozell, and S. E. Cupp, it’s worth remembering that there is a real issue underlying the animus between Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump: immigration reform.

AP Photo/John Minchillo/Manu Fernandez

Chronicle: Donald Trump Is Changing Politics in Silicon Valley

Disdain and outright fear of a Donald J. Trump presidency has changed Silicon Valley politics and is pushing more donations towards the Hillary Clinton camp, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. However, a number of leading tech executives have quietly conveyed their admiration for Trump and his campaign, especially his use of social media.

Trump and smartphones (Marcio Jose Sanchez / Associated Press)

Video: Disney Workers Assail Rubio in Front of Thousands

At Donald Trump’s Sunday rally at Madison City Stadium, two of Marco Rubio’s own constituents–former Disney workers Leo Perrero and Dena Moore–detailed on camera and to the entire crowd why they are endorsing Donald Trump for President.

Disney Workers Rally