Lawsuit: Intel’s Indian Managers Discriminated Against Korea-Born American
A Korean immigrant is suing Intel Corp. for allowing its imported Indian managers to favor the hiring and promotion of fellow visa-workers from India.
A Korean immigrant is suing Intel Corp. for allowing its imported Indian managers to favor the hiring and promotion of fellow visa-workers from India.
Business groups and cheap labor advocates are denouncing President Donald Trump’s plan to shrink the inflow of invited refugees down to 18,000 in 2020.
Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin has temporarily blocked Sen. Mike Lee’s green-card giveaway bill to Indian graduates because it does not give away enough green cards to graduates from many countries.
GOP Sen. Mike Lee urged Indian supporters of his green cards giveaway bill to press Democratic leader Sen. Dick Durbin to stand aside on Thursday so Lee can pass his bill which rewards Indian graduates who take jobs from American graduates.
Sen. David Perdue has dropped his opposition to Sen. Mike Lee’s green card giveaway bill which would convert the employers’ portion of the nation’s immigration system into a machine for converting college graduates’ salaries into Wall Street stock gains.
Silicon Valley and California’s wealthiest tech billionaires are bankrolling Sen. Mike Lee’s (R-UT) effort to allow India and China to monopolize the United States’ green card system.
Younger blue-collar Americans are spiking their wages by switching jobs in President Donald Trump’s lower-migration, “Hire American” economy.
Georgia businesses lose hundreds of millions in sales because employers are replacing middle-class Georgians with cheap-labor H-1B workers, according to a review of federal data.
President Donald Trump did not endorse Utah Sen. Mike Lee’s green-cards-for-India bill when he spoke at the Sunday rally in Texas attended by 50,000 Indian supporters of India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
An Indian-run company in Chicago fraudulently imported Indian graduates to take jobs from American graduates — and it paid Indian-level wages to the imported workers while competing for contracts sought by American firms.
Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee will try again to pass his S.386 bill, which grants green cards to India’s college graduates if they take jobs from American graduates.
Senator Mike Lee’s (R-UT) green card giveaway for the nation’s biggest tech corporations has been at least temporarily blocked in the U.S. Senate by Sen. David Perdue (R-GA).
The Senate has scheduled a stealth “unanimous consent” vote today for the S.386 bill, which would offer many more green cards to Indian graduates if they take jobs from American college graduates.
The H-1B program uses cheap foreign workers to replace American workers, and so it dramatically reduces payrolls in legislators’ districts, according to a comparison of two federal databases.
“Corporate America [is] right at the center of Open Borders Inc.,” said Michelle Malkin, referring to a network of interests — financial, ideological, and political — invested in perpetuating the status quo of both legal and illegal immigration.
Investors are rushing a bill through the GOP-run Senate to reward Indian college graduates for taking U.S. college-level jobs at low wages from young American graduates.
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), running for the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination, would secure a major legislative victory should Senate Republicans help pass a green card giveaway plan for the nation’s largest tech corporations.
The Department of Homeland Security has again delayed a plan to cancel 100,000 work permits that were printed for the Indian spouses of H-1B visa-workers by President Barack Obama’s deputies.
President Donald Trump will appear at a political rally for India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Houston, Texas, amid the growing push by business lobbies to raise the inflow of H-1B visa workers from India.
Democrat-run, migrant-packed California leads the nation in poverty, according to a Census Bureau report which considers the cost of housing alongside Americans’ income from wages and salaries.
The federal government is helping giant multinational corporations such as Amazon and Google to reap a 15 percent discount every time foreign workers are hired over American college graduates, says Hilarie Gamm.
Walmart is outsourcing 569 finance and accounting jobs in North Carolina to Indian contract workers, spotlighting the expansion of the H-1B program from software jobs to accounting, healthcare, and design.
Federal agencies must work harder to prevent Indian and Chinese college graduates fraudulently getting work visas and jobs which are needed by their U.S. counterparts, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office.
Americans are getting higher wages and more labor-saving machines because companies cannot get enough immigrants, laments a pro-migration business reporter at the New York Times.
Two Indians have been sent to jail for just three years after smuggling hundreds of Indians into the United States.
The New York Times is hiding the huge impact of immigration on Americans’ wages to help portray President Donald Trump’s policies as “anti-immigrant.”
The scandal-plagued but little-known J-1 visa program gives 100,000 low-wage and low-tax seasonal workers to McDonald’s, Holiday Inn, Food Lion, Disney, and a myriad other employers who would otherwise have to recruit Americans workers with offers of higher pay.
Alabama candidate for the U.S. Senate Tommy Tuberville, former Auburn University football coach, has hired the chief Republican aide for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s organization dedicated to lobbying Congress to import more foreign workers to take American jobs.
Mark Zuckerberg’s group of West Coast investors is lobbying the GOP to keep illegal cheap labor flowing into Georgia.
The White House is touting government data showing strong pay raises for Americans heading into an election year.
Tech conglomerates and big banks have imported thousands of foreign workers through the H-1B visa program to take U.S. white-collar jobs, newly released federal data reveals.
The White House announced it is helping Guatemala get more H-2A farm worker visas amid growing efforts by pro-migration groups to break Guatamala’s new anti-migration deal with the United States.
The lobbying push by high-tech investors to get more green cards for their army of Indian contract workers has triggered protests from many immigrant groups that will lose quick access to green cards.
Post-graduate Democrats increasingly prefer to view American politics as all about race — even if it is all about money or power — according to David Brooks, an op-ed columnist at the New York Times.
India’s government and companies are openly pushing for the U.S. Senate passage of a bipartisan “country caps” bill that would reward 100,000 Indian graduates per year with green cards if they take technology jobs in America.
Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley is throwing a flag on the stealth push by technology investors to expand the unregulated U.S.-India outsourcing economy.
The billionaire, pro-mass immigration Koch brothers’ network of organizations and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are lobbying hard for passage of a green card giveaway plan to benefit 300,000 Indian workers who were imported by Big Tech’s outsourcing business model.
Tech billionaires and Silicon Valley investors are trying to snatch a valuable trading card from President Donald Trump’s hand before he can use it to win pro-American immigration reforms in 2021.
Bills H.R.1044 and S.386 accelerate the “stripping” of America via “outsourcing of white-collar jobs” to H-1B workers, said Kevin Lynn.
A handful of tech billionaires, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Indian outsourcing lobby are financing a green card giveaway plan that has already passed the House with support from 140 House Republicans and 224 House Democrats.