Guns - Page 11

Atlanta Paper Epitomizes Gun Grabbers’ Tactics In 2 Sentences Back-to-Back

On January 16, the Atlanta Progressive News (APN) used one sentence to explain a Democrat-proposed ban that will require owners to hand over “assault weapons” by the end of October 2016 and in the very next sentence mocked pro-gun citizens who “are already yelling that Democrats are trying to take their guns away.”

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Obama’s ‘Smart Guns’ Already Failed in California

“Smart Guns” failed in California in March 2014 and in Maryland in May 2014, yet President Obama’s executive gun control contained an order directing the DOD, DOJ, and Homeland Security to explore ways to “further” the use of “smart guns.”

The Washington Post/Getty Images

7 Things that Should Have Happened at Obama’s Gun Control Town Hall

The gun control town hall CNN hosted for President Obama was very one-sided. The vast majority of the questions directed at Obama were leading questions centered on gun control, while the few questions or comments that were pro-Second Amendment in nature went unanswered or were only partially answered.
