Gun Rights - Page 7

Six Aspects Of Donald Trump’s Pro-Gun Push

Presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has a plan to defend gun rights in general and the Second Amendment in particular. The plan is visible in the policies set forth by Trump as well as his understanding of the value

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Watch: Bernie, Hillary Debate Gun Rights

During Sunday’s Democratic presidential debate on NBC, Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton discussed their stances on gun rights. Sanders maintained his stance that the country needs an instant background check and took

hillary bernie

Cruz In GOP Debate: Obama, Hillary United to Take Away Guns

During the January 14 GOP Debate, presidential hopeful Ted Cruz responded to moderator Neil Cavuto’s question on Obama and gun confiscation by pointing out that Obama demonstrated he was angling to take away guns from the moment he entered the White House.

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Trump: Obama ‘Hitting’ The 2nd Amendment

“President Obama has been hitting the Second Amendment,” and wants to hit it again with more gun-control, Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump said during the January 10 airing of Fox News Sunday.


Obama’s Gun Control Agenda Is the Opposite of ‘Common Sense’

“Common sense” rhetoric is popular on both sides of the political divide. It’s not as if Barack Obama invented the trope, but he might be the worst abuser currently performing on the political stage… especially because he uses “common sense” in the Orwellian understanding of the term. His CNN infomercial for gun control turned into a disaster precisely because Obama’s agenda is the exact opposite of common sense.

President Barack Obama, center, listens to a question from Taya Kyle, left standing, widow

Cameron Wants EU-Wide Ban On Semi-Automatic Firearms

British Prime Minister David Cameron has publicly backed a proposed Europe-wide ban on semi-automatic firearms, despite opposition from key allies and even from within his own party. A press release on the Downing Street website says the Prime Minister will
