Gun Free Zones - Page 4

Obama Bullies His Nation of Criminals For Rejecting ‘Gun-Control’

Normal people think coercive government power should be primarily directed at criminals, so the Left is constantly trying to make the entire population see themselves as criminals. The more collectively guilty we all feel, the more prepared we are to submit to the power of a self-appointed “enlightened” ruling class. Gun control is not a goal — it is really a means to an end, a vehicle the Left would drive to gain even greater power.

<> on October 1, 2015 in Washington, DC.

Here’s How Many Lives Were Taken in Just 8 Armed Attacks in Gun Free Zones

Calls for more gun control almost always follow a public crime or terror attack in which the attacker–or attackers–use a gun. Yet many of the most infamous attacks take place in gun free zones–places where law-abiding citizens disarm themselves to comply with the rules while criminals take advantage of disarmed masses and open fire.

AP/Amarillo Globe-News, Michael Schumacher

Mall Reacts to Terror Threat by Demanding Shoppers Remain Unarmed

Over the weekend, the Somalia terror group al-Shabaab released a video calling for attacks that included targeting Minnesota’s Mall of America (MOA). In response, MOA reminded shoppers that law-abiding citizens with concealed carry handgun permits are barred from carrying guns on their premises for self-defense.

AP/Star Tribune, Jerry Holt