
Left-Wing Guardian Review Trashes ‘My Son Hunter’: ‘Fiction-Laced Retelling of Hunter Biden Laptop Nothingburger … for Fringe Lunatics’

It was a forgone conclusion that mainstream movie critics — virtually all of whom are far-left radicals — would trash “My Son Hunter.” Throwing himself onto what will inevitably be a left-wing pile-on, The Guardian’s assigned reviewer Charles Bramesco led the charge on Tuesday, delivering a snide pan while also playing white knight to Hunter Biden by spreading the falsehood that the laptop scandal is a mere “nothingburger.”

The Guardian: ‘Doxxing’ Is ‘Effective’ Tactic Against ‘Far Right’

In an article for the Guardian, Wednesday, writer Jason Wilson claimed that though doxing is a “tactic” that has been “sneered at by some,” it has “proven to be effective” against ideological opponents and in “dismantling the far right.” Ironically, the same write called doxing a “danger facing US journalists” in June.