Greenpeace - Page 2

‘Global Warming is Good’ Says President Trump’s Science Guru

If you want to know why President-elect Donald Trump is going to be so great not just for America but also for the causes of honest science, common sense, and weapons-grade trolling, look no further than his gloriously provocative recent meeting with William Happer, the Princeton physicist who argues (rightly, by the way) that ‘global warming’ is good for mankind.

Will Happer

Greenpeace Named in a Civil RICO Suit

When the name Resolute was chosen in 2011, after the merger of Bowater and Abitibi-Consolidated, the Canadian company likely didn’t know what a harbinger it was. Today, the leader in the forest products industry and the largest producer of newsprint in the world stands alone, set in purpose, with firmness and determination. Displaying the rare courage to stand up to the typical environmental extremist campaign of misinformation and shaming designed to shut it down, Resolute Forest Products fights back.


Greenpeace Releasing Secret Documents On Contested EU-US TTIP Deal

Greenpeace on Sunday said it was in possession of leaked documents showing that a planned huge free trade deal between the United States and the European Union poses “major risks for climate, environment and consumer safety”. The campaign group said

Demonstrators from grassroots environmental network Friends of the Earth Europe stage a protest aga

Greenpeace Founder: Let’s Celebrate CO2

Following his interview with Breitbart London, Greenpeace founder Dr. Patrick Moore addressed the Global Warming Policy Foundation in London last night, telling them why he left the environmentalist group and became sceptical of man-made global warming. Here is his speech:


American Export To Canada: Left-Wing Advocacy

The Ford, Tides, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation have granted tens of millions of dollars to left-wing political agitation groups in Canada in recent years. The beneficiary groups vary in their focuses of public policy prescriptions. The ostensible objectives of these groups, as indicated by their self-descriptions, include advocacy for “clean energy transition,” “ecological and equitable choices,” “restor(ing) and preservin(ing) the environment,” “social, economic, and environmental justice” and “indigenous sovereignty.”

Canada's parliament on May 7, 2015 in Ottawa. AFP PHOTO MICHEL COMTE

‘Strategic Repeal’ Ends North Texas City’s Fracking Ban

Governor Greg Abbott may have signed the legislation that rendered a highly publicized North Texas city’s fracking ban null and void, but its city council met to vote on a “strategic repeal” of the environmental lobby-backed ordinance that remained on the city’s books, one that is embroiled in lawsuits.


Greenpeace has jumped the whale

All right – so accusing Greenpeace of being dishonest, bullying, hypocritical, scientifically illiterate, menacing and environmentally damaging is about as novel and contentious as suggesting that Michelangelo may have painted the Sistine Chapel. Even so, it’s good to see Andrew

Greenpeace AFP