Bomb Outside Athens Bank Damages Building
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — A bomb exploded outside a bank in central Athens late Wednesday, causing minor damage to the building but no injuries, authorities said.

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — A bomb exploded outside a bank in central Athens late Wednesday, causing minor damage to the building but no injuries, authorities said.
(Reuters) – The cost of managing the migrant crisis in Greece will exceed a previous estimate of 600 million euros (465.74 million pound) as more and more refugees are forced to remain in the country, Bank of Greece Governor Yannis
The euro zone will release the next tranche of loans for Greece as well as money for bank recapitalisation only after Athens implements agreed reforms, euro zone finance ministers said, noting a Greek pledge the conditions would be met this
Moody’s has maintained its deep junk “Caa3” credit rating for Greek government debt, but has upgraded its outlook following recent political breakthroughs. “Moody’s Investors Service has today confirmed Greece’s government bond rating at Caa3 and changed the outlook to stable,”
Britain could face a bill of up to £850m for latest Greek bailout as European leaders desperately search for money for the heavily indebted nation. Although Britain is signed up to an emergency EU fund, Prime Minister David Cameron believes
Despite fears some had of an inconclusive and divisive knife-edge verdict, Greece delivered a resoundingly strong ‘No’ vote in yesterday’s referendum. The country partied last night, but today faces the hangover. Some of London’s leading think tanks have given Breitbart London their
Germany is demanding new coercive powers to legally compel, or “force member states,” to abide by structural reforms and binding EU-IMF fiscal “programmes”. This pits Europe’s economic powerhouse against France, a country with a record of failing to follow EU
Greek banks have been shut since Monday, and the system faces collapse if the European Central Bank (ECB) declares them insolvent should Greece refuse to pay back its debts.