GOP - Page 16

Progressive Pollsters Take over Dem Mockery Machine with “Deez Nuts”

With Jon Stewart retired and Stephen Colbert off the air for the summer, the Democrat establishment has picked up the slack in their tried-and-true technique of victory through mockery. Democratic polling firm Public Policy Polling (PPP) included a teenager using the name “Deez Nuts” in a recent presidental poll and showed him polling at 9 percent.

Deez Nutz (Screenshot / Youtube)

Webb: What to Look for on the Stage in Cleveland

The first Fox News/Facebook Republican presidential primary debate in conjunction with the Ohio Republican Party will be the official start of a full-blown campaign season for both Republicans and Democrats.

SCOTT OLSON/Getty Images

Rand Paul Confident GOP Can Defund Planned Parenthood by Summer Recess

Paul has been adamant about finding a way to defund the abortion industry giant in the wake of the release of undercover investigative videos showing Planned Parenthood senior officials discussing harvesting the body parts of aborted babies for sale to biotech companies. “There’s a nationwide movement that we’ve been leading,” Paul said, according to the Washington Post. “We will probably send a millio

The Associated Press

Rush Limbaugh Rallies Listeners to Donald Trump’s Defense

The conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh, who has a substantial following among grass-roots Republicans, came to the defense of Donald J. Trump on Monday as prominent leaders in the party stepped up their criticism of Mr. Trump’s pointed comments about Senator John McCain.


The GOP’s Immigration Trump Card

Donald Trump has rocketed to the top-tier of GOP presidential polls, so naturally the greatest concern of the mainstream media is to determine how forcefully Republican leaders will condemn him.

Trump emphatic Lucas JacksonReuters

GOP is Becoming the Party of Andrew Jackson—Why That’s a Good Thing

The principles of Andrew Jackson and the Jacksonians are becoming the heart of the Republican Party and reflect its future in American politics. Though rarely regarded as part of the pantheon of conservative heroes, Jackson was the figurehead of a unique set of ideas that can and should be embraced by the Grand Old Party.


Western Conservative Summit Kicks Off in Colorado

DENVER, Colorado—Over 4000 delegates are expected to gather at Denver’s Convention Center this weekend for the Western Conservative Summit. Speakers include presidential candidates Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Carly Fiorina, Rick Perry, Ben Carson, and Scott Walker.

AP Photo/Molly Riley

Rand Paul Lights the Torch for San Diego Republicans

2016 Presidential hopeful Senator Rand Paul condemned Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over her role in the Benghazi scandal in an address to over 800 San Diego Republicans Saturday night. Paul, the featured guest for the San Diego County Republican

Rand Paul in San Diego (Michelle Moons / Breitbart News)

GOP Uses Weekly Address to Promote ‘Obamatrade’

In this week’s GOP address, Rep. Pat Tiberi (R_OH) promoted the controversial Trade Promotion Authority, which he argued will lead to better trade agreements because, presently, President Barack Obama can negotiate secretly, more jobs and higher pay for workers in America.


Sandy Adams Looks to Run for Congress

Former Republican Congresswoman Sandy Adams has all but announced that she is running for Rep. Ron DeSantis’s soon-to-be open congressional seat. The popular member of Congress declared that he would seek to replace Senator Marco Rubio in the U.S. Senate.

AP Photo/Susan Walsh