Global Warming News: California Officials Warn Skiers to Stay Home, Too Much Snow
Ski fans in California may have to make plans to stay inside over the holiday weekend because there’s too much snow on the ground.

Ski fans in California may have to make plans to stay inside over the holiday weekend because there’s too much snow on the ground.
Aren’t teenage kids just amazing? They know so much and see things so much more clearly that it’s a wonder we don’t put them in charge of the world and let them make all our decisions for us.
Pope Francis delivered a powerful environmental message Thursday, decrying the selfishness that is ruining the earth and destroying biodiversity.
Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) on Tuesday claimed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is attempting to “sabotage” the Green New Deal by bringing the far-left proposal to a Senate floor vote. “Don’t let Mitch McConnell fool you: this is nothing
If you believe the Guardian and the BBC, the world is on the brink of Insectapocalypse: A mass extinction of creepy crawlies that threatens the “collapse of nature.”
Jonathan Chait writes that the Green New Deal’s problems are deeper than just the bizarre FAQ disavowed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — rather, it is the plan’s radical, politically toxic “dismantling capitalism” approach and pie-in-the-sky proposals wholly unrelated to energy policy.
Actor Chris Evans claims President Donald Trump’s may be “deliberately misleading” his supporters on the question of climate change and suggested that is he simply too ignorant to realize its impact.
President Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday to mock a Democratic presidential rival, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), who supports radical action on climate change and launched her 2020 campaign during a major snowstorm.
A study alleges that millions of indigenous Americans died following the arrival of Christopher Columbus in North America in 1492, and this drastic depopulation resulted in substantial global cooling.
Veteran actor Harrison Ford issued a stark warning to the world about the effects of climate change this weekend, describing it as the “greatest moral crisis of our time.”
Hollywood celebrities wasted no time to show their support for the radical socialist Green New Deal proposed by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez this week.
The planet is cooling, but this isn’t something the alarmists want you to hear, especially when they’ve got a shiny, expensive, new bridge to sell you with Green New Deal stamped on the side.
The masterminds of the Green New Deal say a carbon tax would only make up a sliver of funding for the progressive Democrats’ proposal.
An outline of the “Green New Deal” shows progressive Democrats hope to expand high-speed rail transportation across the U.S. to “a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary.”
An outline of the soon-to-be-unveiled “Green New Deal” says the proposal set a goal of achieving net-zero emissions — rather zero emissions — in the U.S. because it is not possible to eliminate “farting cows” and airplanes” within the next decade.
Michael Gove is dead to me. As a friend I will always love and cherish him. But as a politician he has lost every last scintilla of my respect. Yes, he was a brave and committed Education Secretary; yes, he is probably the most literate, charming, polite, well-read, thoughtful, and eloquent senior members of Theresa May’s generally rubbish Government; but in his current role as Secretary of State for the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) his performance has been utterly shaming. And cowardly. And dangerous.
Far-left actress Debra Messing declared that “God is crying” over global warming in a social media post Wednesday.
The UK’s Independent newspaper blamed “climate change” for lower potato yields in 2018 resulting in pommes frites one inch shorter on average as compared to prior years.
Christmas has come unusually early this year for British climate sceptics thanks to a magnificent scoop by the Mail on Sunday’s David Rose.
Pop power couple Beyoncé and Jay-Z are offering a lifetime of concert tickets (up to maximum of thirty years) to winners of the Greenprint Project Sweepstakes, a lottery seeking to promote
Actress Ellen Page appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Thursday to sound the alarm about global warming and “environmental racism,” claiming that the world was going to end in just about a decade.
“What the hell is going on with Global Waming? [sic]” Trump asked on Twitter. “Please come back fast, we need you!”
America enjoys a winter filled with tons of snow and frigid cold weather and out pops the Climate Hoaxsters to assure this kind of weather only further proves our planet is getting, uhm… warmer.
Hollywood celebrities got seriously heated Tuesday after President Trump mocked global warming amid record low temperatures in the midwest.
The bankruptcy of California utility giant Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) Tuesday will complicate efforts by Democrats to pursue a “Green New Deal,” which aims to move the U.S. to 100% renewable energy.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, NewsGuard, for treating all your new subscribers — both of them! — to one of the cleverest, truest things I ever wrote about climate change.
Apple expects greater demand for iPhones as a result of global warming according to a report Tuesday assessing the impact of climate change on its business.
The United States is in the grip of frigid winter weather but the New England Journal of Medicine is warning this month that the World Health Organization’s (WHO) 2014 prediction of 250,000 deaths each year between 2030 and 2050 from global warming may underestimate the threat.
Global warming has not caused an increase in the frequency or intensity of hurricanes, a study published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation has confirmed. Climate alarmists such Michael Mann, Kerry Emanuel, and Al Gore often claim that hurricanes are among
Heavy snow has brought parts of Europe to a standstill. At least 21 people have died as a result of the extreme conditions, and many more have been injured, including the victims of an avalanche which hit a hotel in Switzerland. Parts of Germany and Austria remain on high alert after extreme snow in Alpine regions.
But don’t worry. None of this is real…
Humanity must declare war against climate change, Bernie Sanders said Tuesday, treating it like a military threat that demands full engagement.
The only reason I write articles attacking the irrefutable science of “climate change” is that I am paid such vast sums to lie. Besides the stupendous salary I get from Breitbart News, I also receive generous retainers from the oil industry and the tobacco industry, which, for reasons of crass right-wing ideology or crude economic self-interest, require me to churn out propaganda stories, day in day out, insisting that global warming is a myth.
Britain’s second largest daily newspaper has retracted a December article asserting that global warming is worse than commonly thought.
Despite dire predictions of a necessary increase in severe weather events due to climate change, 2018 is poised to become the first year on record with no violent tornadoes in the United States, the Washington Post reported.
Christmas is coming — so naturally the climate grinches have gone into overdrive to make you as miserable as possible with lots of scary, made-up stories about how the planet is doomed and how it’s all the fault of your selfishness, greed, and rampant consumption.
A Rasmussen Reports nationwide poll shows that one in three Republicans would be willing to pitch in to pay for a wall on the U.S. southern border with Mexico if Congress fails to give President Donald Trump the $5 billion he has asked Congress to approve for it.
The Vatican has called for the “decarbonisation of the current fossil fuel-based economy” in its hard-hitting final declaration for the U.N. climate summit in Katowice, Poland, Wednesday.
Clemson professor Todd May writes in the New York Times, “Human beings are destroying large parts of the inhabitable earth and causing unimaginable suffering to many of the animals that inhabit it.”
The UN’s latest climate summit in Katowice, Poland has ended in failure as usual. Also as usual the 60,000 plus delegates are putting a brave face on it, claiming that a last minute deal has been reached after tough negotiations and that important progress has been made.
Kerry urged in an op-ed for the international community to combat climate change, claiming Trump’s position on the issue is “profoundly dangerous.”