Global Warming - Page 20

Delingpole: Michael Gove Has Sold Out Britain to the Green Blob

Michael Gove is dead to me. As a friend I will always love and cherish him. But as a politician he has lost every last scintilla of my respect. Yes, he was a brave and committed Education Secretary; yes, he is probably the most literate, charming, polite, well-read, thoughtful, and eloquent senior members of Theresa May’s generally rubbish Government; but in his current role as Secretary of State for the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) his performance has been utterly shaming. And cowardly. And dangerous.

Michael Gove

Study: Global Warming Does Not Cause Hurricanes

Global warming has not caused an increase in the frequency or intensity of hurricanes, a study published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation has confirmed. Climate alarmists such Michael Mann, Kerry Emanuel, and Al Gore often claim that hurricanes are among

In this GOES-13 satellite image taken Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017 at 7:15 a.m. EDT, and relea

Delingpole: Why I’m Always Telling Lies About Climate Change…

The only reason I write articles attacking the irrefutable science of “climate change” is that I am paid such vast sums to lie. Besides the stupendous salary I get from Breitbart News, I also receive generous retainers from the oil industry and the tobacco industry, which, for reasons of crass right-wing ideology or crude economic self-interest, require me to churn out propaganda stories, day in day out, insisting that global warming is a myth.


Poll: One Third of Republicans Would Pitch in to Build Wall

A Rasmussen Reports nationwide poll shows that one in three Republicans would be willing to pitch in to pay for a wall on the U.S. southern border with Mexico if Congress fails to give President Donald Trump the $5 billion he has asked Congress to approve for it.

People hold signs that read, "Build that Wall", as they wait for the start of a campaign r

Delingpole: Another UN Climate Summit Ends in Failure

The UN’s latest climate summit in Katowice, Poland has ended in failure as usual. Also as usual the 60,000 plus delegates are putting a brave face on it, claiming that a last minute deal has been reached after tough negotiations and that important progress has been made.

Former US Vice President Al Gore attends a session of the World Economic Forum (WEF) annua

Delingpole: Across the World Climate Alarmism Is in Retreat

From Poland to France, from Canada to the U.S, the climate alarmists are in retreat as the public begins to tire of their taxes, their constrictive regulations, their dodgy, ugly, inefficient renewable projects and their hysterical junk science scare stories. Economics is beginning to reassert itself over green propaganda.

Climate protest and alarm