Global Warming - Page 20

Delingpole: Michael Gove Has Sold Out Britain to the Green Blob

Michael Gove is dead to me. As a friend I will always love and cherish him. But as a politician he has lost every last scintilla of my respect. Yes, he was a brave and committed Education Secretary; yes, he is probably the most literate, charming, polite, well-read, thoughtful, and eloquent senior members of Theresa May’s generally rubbish Government; but in his current role as Secretary of State for the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) his performance has been utterly shaming. And cowardly. And dangerous.

Michael Gove

Study: Global Warming Does Not Cause Hurricanes

Global warming has not caused an increase in the frequency or intensity of hurricanes, a study published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation has confirmed. Climate alarmists such Michael Mann, Kerry Emanuel, and Al Gore often claim that hurricanes are among

In this GOES-13 satellite image taken Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017 at 7:15 a.m. EDT, and relea

Delingpole: Why I’m Always Telling Lies About Climate Change…

The only reason I write articles attacking the irrefutable science of “climate change” is that I am paid such vast sums to lie. Besides the stupendous salary I get from Breitbart News, I also receive generous retainers from the oil industry and the tobacco industry, which, for reasons of crass right-wing ideology or crude economic self-interest, require me to churn out propaganda stories, day in day out, insisting that global warming is a myth.


Poll: One Third of Republicans Would Pitch in to Build Wall

A Rasmussen Reports nationwide poll shows that one in three Republicans would be willing to pitch in to pay for a wall on the U.S. southern border with Mexico if Congress fails to give President Donald Trump the $5 billion he has asked Congress to approve for it.

People hold signs that read, "Build that Wall", as they wait for the start of a campaign r

Delingpole: Another UN Climate Summit Ends in Failure

The UN’s latest climate summit in Katowice, Poland has ended in failure as usual. Also as usual the 60,000 plus delegates are putting a brave face on it, claiming that a last minute deal has been reached after tough negotiations and that important progress has been made.

Former US Vice President Al Gore attends a session of the World Economic Forum (WEF) annua