Gina Raimondo

Exclusive — Head of AI Safety Agency Could Facilitate ‘Government-Big Tech Collusion’ Like Coronavirus Pandemic, 2020 Election

A Senate Commerce Committee document exposes how the head of an AI safety agency at the Commerce Department could stifle competition, consolidate AI developments in the hands of a few big tech companies, and facilitate “government-Big Tech collusion seen during the pandemic and the 2020 election,” Breitbart News has learned exclusively. 

Carly Tabak via

Commerce Sec’y: ‘We Want China’s Economy to Flourish’

During an interview with CNBC on Thursday, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo stated that “We want China’s economy to flourish.” But they can’t have “our most sophisticated, leading-edge AI chips or the equipment that makes those chips.” CNBC Washington Correspondent Megan

AP Poll Biden China

State Department Emails Compromised by China Following Microsoft Hack

Hackers purportedly linked to the Chinese government infiltrated the State Department after hacking a Microsoft employee earlier this summer, pilfering around 60,000 emails from the inboxes of 10 employees, revealing sensitive information including travel itineraries and diplomatic deliberations.

Hacker in a dark hoody sitting in front of a notebook with digital Chinese flag background

China Bans Officials from Using iPhones and Other Foreign Devices at Work

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on Wednesday that Chinese government officials have been ordered not to use Apple iPhones and other foreign devices for work, potentially inflicting a major blow on sales of those devices in China, whose titanic government bureaucracy employs a sizable portion of the population.

TOPSHOT - A Chinese couple tests the new iPhone 7 during the opening sale launch at an App

Data: Elites Use Migration to Replace Unwanted Americans

President Joe Biden has pulled at least 1.9 million additional wage-cutting workers from poor countries, more than reversing the temporary gain under President Donald Trump, according to government data reported by the Center for Immigration Studies.

Sanctions - Joe Biden speaks about the release of US women's basketball player Brittney Gr