Germany Migrants - Page 4

Senior German Ministers Call For Burka Ban

Senior German Ministers have called for a ban on wearing the burka to be included in the new “Berlin Declaration” security measures. One CDU member called the full-face veil “a symbol of oppression and parallel societies”.


Police Raid 60 Homes For ‘Xenophobic’ Facebook Posts

German Police raided the homes of 60 people suspected of writing ‘hate’ speech on social media in Germany. Coordinated by the Federal Criminal Police (BKA), the operation saw officers from 25 departments search across 14 states. The police raids took place as part


Study: Migrants Hurt Long Term Economic Growth

A new study casts doubt on migrants propping up the economy, saying that they could heavily impact the economy in a negative manner. Enzo Weber from the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nuremberg and his colleague Roland Weigand produced a

China crash (Andy Wong / Associated Press)

German Pool Bans ‘Burkinis’ On Hygiene Grounds

The stereotype of Germans’ love of bureaucracy has finally got in the way of all-embracing multiculturalism as a Bavarian pool has banned the “burkini” swimsuit on the grounds of hygiene. But not everyone is pleased with the decision. Bathers complained after


Lebanese Migrant: Save Germany From Islamisation

In a powerful speech, Lebanese-born filmmaker Imad Karim warned schoolchildren about impending Islamisation, which he fears threatens Germany, and urges them to save the country he loves by stopping mass migration. The writer and director told pupils at an event


Syrian Migrants Caught Planning Massive Terror Attack

Three Syrian migrants who were planning a Paris style massacre in Dusseldorf have been arrested by German police. The German federal prosecutor has announced the arrests of three men from Syria who entered the country during the migrant crisis. The


Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs

A German teen claims that most youths are afraid of Arabs, and in an interview with Die Welt discusses why German men have given up defending themselves, opting to wait for police instead. Eighteen-year-old Miguel has no problem defending himself on the

politically correct

Migrant Gang Crime Soars

Latest figures show the number of home invasions and burglaries committed by migrants has drastically increased, while crimes committed by Germans have decreased. Gangs of migrants have increased the number of home invasions in Germany according to the head of the Federal Criminal Police