Mount Holyoke Women’s College Instructs Professors to Not Use Term ‘Women’
Instructors at the all-female Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts, are being asked to refrain from using gendered terms such as “women.”

Instructors at the all-female Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts, are being asked to refrain from using gendered terms such as “women.”
BERLIN (AP) — A German federal court has rejected a customer’s demand for her bank to include the feminine form of words such as “account holder” on official forms.
A student at the Indiana University of Pennslyvania was kicked out of a class on Christianity after arguing that there are only two genders.
Delaware is preparing to pass a rule that would allow the state’s students to “choose” their own race and gender without the approval or knowledge of parents.
Oxford University extended exam times in math and computer science last year by 15 minutes in a bid to boost grades of female students, it has emerged.
The Altrincham Grammar School for Girls in the United Kingdom has officially banned its teacher from addressing its students as “girls.”
A new study released at UCLA finds “gender nonconforming” young people in California are more than twice as likely to have psychological problems than those comfortable with their biological sex.
San Jose State Biology Professor Rachael French argued in a tweet this week that “chromosomes don’t determine sex.”
A principal at a New Jersey high school has scrapped a 50-year-old graduation tradition on the grounds that it is “offensive” to students “whose identity is more fluid.”
The 2018 Screen Actors Guild Awards will only feature female presenters amid the film industry’s widening sexual misconduct.
The state of Washington is mulling the idea of adding a third choice for a baby’s gender on state birth certificates to placate transgender activists, according to reports.
London’s left-liberal mayor is issuing detailed guidance to developers calling for “gender neutral” toilets to “reflect the incredible diversity” of the capital.
Critiques of President Donald Trump’s female nominee to lead the Department of Homeland Security are powered by sexism, an op-ed for the Washington Examiner claims, even though nominee Kirstjen Nielsen supports amnesty for illegal aliens and has downplayed a border wall.
Teachers should avoid calling female pupils “girls” or “ladies” because it means they are “constantly reminded of their gender”, a former government mental health tsar has said.
The British government is pushing the United Nations (UN) to use the politically correct term “pregnant people” instead of “women” so the transgendered do not feel excluded.
California Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a bill Monday that would have preserved the Obama administration’s new guidelines for sexual assault cases on university campuses, and which the Trump administration has reversed.
California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law on Sunday that will allow Californians to identify themselves as having a “nonbinary” gender on state identification documents, rather than having to choose either male or female.
Hundreds of thousands of pounds in taxpayer money is being given to a transgender charity reportedly banned from contacting a family after the mother forced her seven-year-old son to live as a girl.
A British University has blocked an academic studying a reported surge in people regretting transgender surgery, claiming a “social media” backlash to the “politically incorrect” research could harm the institution.
The European Parliament has been accused of trying to “criminalise” pro-life views and opposition abortion, after passing a paper describing restricting abortion as “violence” and demanding “all the Member States to guarantee… legal abortion.”
A ‘transgendered’ convicted double rapist, who is biologically male, has been put in isolation in prison after being moved to an all-female jail, where it is claimed they made advances on female prisoners.
A new documentary from VICE showcases Sweden’s introduction of government-funded gender-neutral kindergartens and a set of parents who are raising their children “without gender.”
The Navy’s newest aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald R. Ford, has significant quality-of-life upgrades from earlier carriers, such as roomier berthing spaces, where the sailors sleep and relax.
The Conservative Party has backed plans to allow people to legally change their gender quickly and simply, without the need see a doctor.
Britain’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has announced it will crack down on “gender stereotypes” in the latest politically correct move by Britain’s political establishment. In a press release issued Tuesday, the regulator’s chief executive, Guy Parker, said: “Portrayals which reinforce outdated
Miley Cyrus wants people to know that what they hear from the pop superstar is what she really feels.
Is the science march political leftism with scientific window-dressing? That depends on whether they acknowledge these facts.
Hunger Games actress Amandla Stenberg says she rejects the concept of gender, claiming instead that it is a construct that can be “pretty much whatever you want it to be.”
Audiences watching this year’s MTV Movie & TV Awards will not see some familiar categories.
In the first poll, after Gov. Jerry Brown’s asked the California Legislature to raise gas taxes and vehicle registration fees to spend $5.2 billion a year more on transportation, voters solidly oppose paying more taxes to pay for Caltrans bad decision making by 3 to 1.
A sports writer for ESPNW used her recent column on women’s college swimming to scold America for being “obsessed” by gender, all while pushing the genderqueer or non-binary political ideology on readers.
A California elementary school has changed the name of its Father-Daughter dance to the “Family Dance” to “be more inclusive.”
MADRID (AFP) – Around 40,000 protesters took to the streets of Madrid on Wednesday to mark International Women’s Day and call for an end to domestic violence.
Legal immigrants can now change the sex on their official U.S. documents by showing statements from foreign doctors, says a last-minute agency transgender memo issued on President Barack Obama’s last full day in office.
GOP legislators in North Carolina are keeping their legislature’s power to decide who is male and who is female, amid furious opposition from gay advocates and their progressive allies, who say they should have the power to decide people’s legal sex, regardless of biology.
Sweden’s largest trade union is encouraging women to call a new hotline and report men who use the “oppression technique” of “mansplaining” – explaining things to women that they already understand.
California moved within a stroke of the governor’s pen of mandating gender neutral bathrooms on Monday, when the state legislature passed a bill eliminating gender specific single-occupancy bathrooms.
The Texas Attorney General has filed another lawsuit to fight against the Obama Administration’s transgender agenda. This time the court fight relates to Obamacare and new rules by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) interpreting “sex” as it relates to gender.
During her global tour to promote women’s education, First Lady Michelle Obama talked about the difficulties with “outdated norms and assumptions” regarding the differences between men and women.
Children in kindergarten need to “understand there are many ways to express gender,” says a “core idea” in the newly released Washington State health and physical education standards.