
UK Government Snooping Bill Signed Into Law

LONDON (AP) — The U.K. government says a contentious internet surveillance bill that creates databases of Britons’ online activity has become law. House of Commons Speaker John Bercow told lawmakers Tuesday that the Investigatory Powers Bill had received formal royal


Destroying Web Privacy Won’t Destroy Islamic State

In the wake of the Paris attacks, there have been fresh calls for tech companies to weaken their privacy protections to allow western security services to monitor online communications. Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has called on Silicon Valley to “not view


Britain Says Islamic State Militants Plotting Deadly Cyber Attack

(Reuters) – Islamic State militants are trying to develop the capability to launch deadly cyber attacks against Britain’s infrastructure, finance minister George Osborne will say on Tuesday as he announces a doubling of spending on cyber security. Osborne, Prime Minister

Al-Qaeda Taliban terrorist computer hack cyber attack

Revealed: Snowden Leaks ‘Crippled’ War On Terror

Security leaks by CIA contractor Edward Snowden “crippled” Britain’s counter terrorism ability and put lives in danger, a major study has confirmed today. The theft of the 1.7 million documents from the UK’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and the US
