gay rights - Page 4

Conservatives Set To Lose Brighton Seat Over Gay Marriage

The Conservatives look set to lose Brighton Kemptown, long considered the heart of the British gay community, over their support for same-sex marriage. A senior activist in Kemptown told Breitbart London that whilst the policy had angered many traditionalists in

The Associated Press

Carson: I’m Not Going to Talk About Gay Rights Anymore

Dr. Ben Carson, former pediatric neurosurgeon and author of “You Have a Brain,” said that he would no longer be talking about gay rights on Wednesday’s “Sean Hannity Show.” Carson discussed the controversy over his comments in an interview on


U.S. Appoints First Special Envoy for LGBT Rights

The United States appointed its first special envoy for international LGBT rights on Monday. Randy Berry, currently the consul general of the Netherlands, will be tasked with promoting the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals at home and abroad,

Randy Berry (Facebook via UPI)

7 Short Years: From Proposition 8 to National Gay Marriage?

If the Court does uphold same-sex marriage as a constitutional right, it will mark a stunning transformation of marriage in less than seven years. In 2008, voters in California, easily one of the most liberal states, passed Proposition 8, which made traditional marriage the only form of marriage recognized in the state, overturning an earlier ruling by the state’s courts. Rather than make their case again to the voters, gay marriage advocates took to the courts, dominated by liberal judges.

AP Photo/Annika AF Klercker

How a Judge Made the Gay Marriage Debate Even More Confusing

A US District Court judge named Robert Hinkle decided last August that two gay men in Washington Country, Florida could not be stopped from getting married and that the Florida law making it a misdemeanor for a county clerk to issue a marriage license to same-sex couples violated the US Constitution.

AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic