Gay Pride - Page 4

Right Wing Gays Slam London LGBT Pride For Moving To Permanently Ban UKIP

London’s Gay Pride Parade has updated the application process for their future events, banning perceive “homophobic” groups. Activists fear mainstream political parties like the UK Independence Party (UKIP) will be excluded from the gay rights celebration indefinitely after the unexpected and unexplained banning of a


Venice Mayor Bans ‘Farce’ Gay Pride Parades

The mayor of Venice has said that no gay pride parades will take place in the city while he is in charge. Luigi Brugnaro told Italian daily La Repubblica “there will be no gay pride in my Venice”, describing the


Vicar Slams Cathedral’s Plan to Bless Rainbow Flag

A vicar has criticised plans to drape a giant rainbow flag from the steps of York Minster in solidarity with gay and transsexual rights, describing it as “provocative” and “offensive”. The Rev Melvin Tinker, whose parish is within the Anglican

church of england

UKIP Banned from London’s Gay Pride Parade

The UK Independence Party (UKIP) has been officially banned from attending this year’s Gay Pride Parade in London, following a U-turn from event organisers.  The party’s LGBT* group, as well as the youth wing Young Independence had initially intended to

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Some Gay People Vote UKIP. Get Over It.

The left–wing media seem to be taking pride (geddit?) in the fact that a bunch of politically-motivated LGBT activists are trying to ban UKIP from marching in London’s Gay Pride Parade later this month. You’d think that the “hundreds” (whoa,

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