DC Comics Cancels Gay Superman Comic Due to Dismal Sales
DC Comics has announced the end of its woke “Superman: Son of Kal-El” series at New York Comic-Con as sales for the title continue to tank.
DC Comics has announced the end of its woke “Superman: Son of Kal-El” series at New York Comic-Con as sales for the title continue to tank.
A new comic book publisher, “Rippaverse” comic books, from comic book writer Eric July, has raked in some $3 million in funding in a matter of days based on his promise to release a series of superhero comics that leaves all the left-wing wokeness behind.
“I’m tired of this s**t, I’m tired of them ruining these characters,” says comic book artist Gabe Eltaeb of DC Comics and its superhero characters, specifically Superman, who the comic book giant says is no longer fighting for “truth, justice, and the American way” but now standing for “truth, justice, and a better tomorrow.”