Australia Wants ‘Very Strong’ Britain Free Trade Deal After Brexit
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Monday he wants to negotiate a “very strong” free trade agreement with Britain after it leaves the European Union.
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Monday he wants to negotiate a “very strong” free trade agreement with Britain after it leaves the European Union.
Paul Nehlen, House Speaker Paul Ryan’s challenger in the 2016 Wisconsin primary, joined SiriusXM host Matt Boyle on Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily to discuss the possibility that President Obama will push the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal (dubbed “ObamaTrade” by critics) through the upcoming lame-duck session of Congress.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has put together a team of agricultural policy advisers and six of them hail from the Lone Star State, including former Texas Governor and Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry.
Dr. Herbert London of the London Center for Policy Research appeared on Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily to discuss Donald Trump’s economic policy speech with SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon, beginning with the free trade issue.
President Barack Obama spoke about the pain and suffering of American workers caused by past trade agreements Tuesday at a joint press conference held in the East Room of the White House with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, who is in the United States to voice support for the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership.
House Speaker Paul Ryan received a standing ovation from wealthy donors after denouncing the views of Republican voters, who are skeptical of so-called “free trade” deals.
“No TPP!” has been a popular slogan, in chants and printed signs, at the Democratic National Convention because of broad opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal that is heavily favored by President Barack Obama — and also heavily opposed by primary loser Sen. Bernie Sanders.
On Friday, HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher criticized members of both parties for “looking at global trade as the root of all evil.” And “selling a lie, this lie that the jobs can come back.” Maher said, “It seems
Quoting Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump became the first major party candidate in decades to embrace economic nationalism. Trump, in a policy speech delivered in the key swing state of Pennsylvania, proclaimed “it’s time to declare our economic independence once again.”
On Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM, Congressman Dave Brat (R-VA) explained “the disconnectedness of government from the people, at all levels — elites making deals in Brussels, elites making trade deals in D.C., with foreign entities making decisions for our local small businessmen, who are getting put out of business by the day.”
Although Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party (IKIP), said after the Brexit, “The euroskeptic genie is out of the bottle and it will now not be put back… EU’s dead,” he also offered the European Parliament a “sensible tariff free deal” on Tuesday that, he said, would be good for EU residents.
In recent decades, a revisionist history of American trade policy has developed an almost religious status in Washington D.C.
I support Donald Trump — not a remarkable statement, considering I am a Republican voter he is the party’s likely nominee. I’m critical of Trump, more so than previous nominees, but I think some of his supposed drawbacks are actually benefits.
“I think that the temptation in that circumstance is to resort to nativism and nostalgia and the sense that these are things that are now out of control and I want to take control back,” Obama said, referring to free trade critics in both political parties.
Dr. Stephen Meyer, a Senior Fellow of the Discovery Institute in Seattle, joined Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon on Wednesday to talk about the impending Brexit vote, where Meyer saw America’s “special relationship” with the United Kingdom at stake.
Kevin L. Kearns, president of the U.S. Business & Industry Council, joined SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon on Friday’s Breitbart News Daily to discuss the effect of free-trade policies on America’s “Main Street companies.”
One day prior to Donald Trump formally clinching the GOP nomination, House Speaker Paul Ryan launched a new line of attack against the Party’s standard bearer selected by GOP voters. During a Wednesday meeting with reporters on Capitol Hill, the House
During Friday morning’s interview with Donald Trump on Breitbart News Daily, SirusXM host Stephen K. Bannon suggested House Speaker Paul Ryan withheld his endorsement to pressure Trump into dropping his positions on trade, the border wall with Mexico, bringing jobs back from China, and temporarily restricting Muslim immigration.
A landmark article in the March 26 edition of The Economist, headlined, “The problem with profits,” gets one to thinking about the fundamentals of our economy.
The latest Battleground poll of the general election finds Hillary Clinton edging GOP frontrunner Donald Trump by just three points. But Clinton’s edge is within the poll’s margin of error, making the race effectively tied.
The left-leaning Huffington Post published an article which seems concerned that Donald Trump could defeat Hillary Clinton in a general election contest due to his strong position on trade.
Peter Morici, professor of international business at the University of Maryland, joined Breitbart News Daily with host Stephen K. Bannon on Tuesday morning to talk about his article “Decadence, Not the Donald, Is Destroying the GOP.”
Men supporting Donald Trump have reason to be mad as hell. The economy has turned against them, and policies advocated by Democrats and tolerated by mainstream Republicans make their circumstances worse.
In a stunning rebuke of the trade policies of Wisconsin’s most famous lawmaker and Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, a mere one in three Wisconsin Republicans sided with Ryan’s trade vision in a question that put the most positive possible spin on Ryan’s view.
Stephen Miller, a senior policy advisor for Donald Trump, spoke with host Stephen K. Bannon on Friday’s edition of Breitbart News Daily about the upcoming Wisconsin primary, where Trump’s rival Senator Ted Cruz is widely seen as surging to a comfortable lead. Miller accused Cruz of misleading voters on some of Trump’s big issues, such as free trade, and said Trump is fighting against a massive effort by the Republican Establishment to shoot down their own front-runner.
Presidential candidate Ted Cruz pledges to “stand up for fair trade” in a new state-wide Wisconsin ad hitting on international trade deals, a signature issue of frontrunner Donald Trump’s campaign.
There is much debate over the negative effects of massive trade deficits, and what the best strategy for correcting them might be, but it’s hard to deny the U.S. trade deficit with China is staggering in scale … and it got that
“A contract should not exist when it’s not of benefit to both parties,” Sessions declared. “And I just believe it’s time for us to be far more realistic about trading. We have to understand that many of our trading partners are relentlessly mercantilist. They seek to expand their exports to us, expanding their unemployment to us, and block our exports to them.”
An unintentionally revealing interview with House Speaker Paul Ryan shows exactly why he’s being touted as an establishment replacement for Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention, and also why Trump is the shocking frontrunner for the 2016 nomination.
Diplomats at the European Commission have been accused of caving in to Chinese demands to water down their estimates of Chinese steel overproduction, leaving the door open for the Chinese to flood world markets with cheap steel. It comes just
In a recent interview with Breitbart News Daily, political strategist Pat Caddell said his polling had uncovered an “economic nationalism” movement, deeply suspicious of free-trade orthodoxy, that was far larger than anyone previously suspected. He credited this movement with propelling the unexpected
Political strategist Pat Caddell tells Breitbart News Daily host Stephen K. Bannon about what he describes as the “stunning” emergency of “economic nationalism” as the driving force behind both the Republican primary race, and the Bernie Sanders insurgency against Hillary Clinton.
President Barack Obama is not concerned that his Pacific free-trade deal will face more opposition in Congress, even after Sen. Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump won the parties’ primaries in Michigan, a White House spokesman claimed March 9.
You’d see a movement, a tremendous movement, of capital and labor back to the United States, that’s in China and overseas, because we’d have a more hospitable business tax environment. You include immediate deductions for new business investment, and you include repatriation, which is all in Trump’s plan, and you’ve got yourself a powerful incentive to move back to the USA,” said Kudlow.
Conventional wisdom attributes much of Donald Trump’s unexpected success in the GOP primary to his stance on immigration.
Diana Furchtgott-Roth of MarketWatch joined host Stephen K. Bannon on Breitbart News Daily Tuesday morning, to discuss a recent column listing four crucial issues where Donald Trump would prove most vulnerable in a general-election matchup against Hillary Clinton.
With U.S. stocks tanking by over 500 points at one point on January 20, the only good news is the crash would be worse if America had already signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
At the end of a hefty speech at Liberty University in Virginia on Monday, Donald Trump made what has been widely reported as a promise to force Apple to move its manufacturing operations to the United States.
Over on what we think of as the right side of the political spectrum, critiques of Donald Trump often include laments and/or teeth-gnashings over his “splitting the Republican Party,” and/or his “not being a conservative.”
Jimmy Panetta has his sights set on taking back the 20th district congressional seat once held by his father Leon Panetta, who recently served as Secretary of Defense in the Obama administration. The incumbent, Democrat Sam Farr, is retiring.