fracking - Page 7

Friends Of The Earth Mocked After Claiming Sand Causes Cancer

Friends of the Earth has been ridiculed after suggesting sand cause cancer, in their latest attempt to demonise hydraulic fracturing (fracking). The group distributed thousands of leaflets claiming fracking could lead to cancer because it involves “pumping millions of litres

Sand Causes Cancer

Five Victories for Responsible Land Use

Washington’s overreach has been rolled back by courts and commissioners. In little more than 30 days, there have been five distinct cases that you may have missed—each a victory for responsible land use.

The Associated Press

Why I Made Gashoax

Josh Fox claims to be a documentary filmmaker, but in reality he is a political activist who uses health hoaxes to scare people.

Getty Images

Another Obama-Funded Energy Firm Makes Its Final Emission

Michigan’s Alpena Biorefinery announced that it is taking a “sabbatical,” after drinking $22 million of taxpayers’ stimulus cash and after consuming unknown amounts of additional and indirect taxpayer funding—all just to show it could convert wood chips into pure alcohol.

The Associated Press

Britain changes rules to fast-track shale gas permits

The British government will give its communities minister the power to directly approve shale gas permits, removing decision-making from local politicians who have in the past months blocked the progress of Britain’s first such wells. In late June, local government

Nigel Roddis / Getty Images

Jerry Brown Body-Slams Environmentalists for Fifth Time on Fracking

When it comes to fighting hydraulic fracking for oil and gas, California’s muscular environmental movement has gone zero-for-five over the last two years against Governor Jerry Brown. The bloodied green leadership on Tuesday again called on Brown to halt plans for new hydraulic fracturing in the waters off Southern California.

Fracking Protest (Robyn Beck / AFP / Getty)

UK Officials Reject Second Cuadrilla Shale Gas Project in a Week

British officials on Monday rejected another Cuadrilla Resources shale gas project in northwest England on the grounds of visual and noise impact, just four days after refusing a different shale gas planning application. Cuadrilla’s project at Preston New Road near


‘Strategic Repeal’ Ends North Texas City’s Fracking Ban

Governor Greg Abbott may have signed the legislation that rendered a highly publicized North Texas city’s fracking ban null and void, but its city council met to vote on a “strategic repeal” of the environmental lobby-backed ordinance that remained on the city’s books, one that is embroiled in lawsuits.


Trump: Some GOP Governors Got ‘Lucky’ With Fracking

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump argued that some of the Republican governors running for president “got a little bit lucky with the fracking” while laying out his positions on illegal immigration and the Middle East among other issues in an


U.S. Natural Gas Price Collapsing after EPA Says Fracking Safe

The global shock from the release of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) long-postponed draft report stating that hydraulic fracturing (fracking) has not had a “widespread, systemic impact on drinking waste” caused “cheap” natural gas prices to collapse another 16 percent.


EPA Clears Fracking for Next Stage of U.S. Oil Boom

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a long-postponed draft report Thursday on the impact of hydraulic fracturing (fracking). The regulators concluded that based upon “peer-reviewed studies as well as state and federal databases,” there is no evidence the practice has had a “widespread, systemic impact on drinking water.”

Fracking Protest 2014 (Brooke Anderson / Flickr)

US Sets 44-year Oil Production High as Economy Looks Bright

The U.S. Energy Information Agency (EIA) reported that domestic crude oil productionfor the week ending May 22 surged by 304,000 barrels per day (bpd) to a 44-year high of almost 9.566 million bpd. The latest production numbers come on the heels of Breitbart News’ report that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) had effectively conceded defeat in its battle against U.S. shale oil competition.

AP Photo/Hasan Jamali

OPEC Concedes Defeat In Anti-Shale Oil War with U.S.

OPEC’s attempt to over-produce crude oil for export to crush prices and bankrupt the American shale-fracking oil boom has failed, according to a draft OPEC long-term strategy report seen by Reuters ahead of the cartel’s policy meeting in Vienna on June 1st.

California Pumpjack (Joel Pollak / Breitbart News)

Oil Spill in Santa Barbara, Site of 1969 Disaster

21,000 gallons of crude oil—- the equivalent of 500 barrels –poured onto the Santa Barbara County coast on Tuesday when an 11-mile-long underground pipe owned by Houston-based Plains All American Pipeline ruptured. The leak and its cause are under investigation.

1969 Santa Barbara oil spill (Associated Press)

Texas Governor Signs Bill Banning Fracking Bans

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has signed into law House Bill 40, which restricts cities and towns from imposing local ordinances that regulate oil and gas drilling, or attempt to ban fracking operations. The new law became effective immediately on Monday, May 18.


Los Angeles Times Attacks Jerry Brown for Supporting Fracking

On Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times published an op-ed by environmental activist Middlebury College professor Bill McKibben in which he attacks California Governor Jerry Brown’s support for fracking, calling fracking during a drought an “obscenity” because of its use of water.

AP Photo/Brennan Linsley

Point of Order Sends Texas Open Carry and Fracking Bills Back to Committee

Texas House Representative Trey Martinez Fischer (D-San Antonio) raised a point of order that resulted in a temporary setback for the House Open Carry bill, HB-910. The point of order was sustained by the Speaker, Joe Straus (R-San Antonio) and the bill will be sent back to the House Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee. The bill prohibiting local authorities from blocking fracking operations in their jurisdictions was sent back to committee on a similar point of order.

Woman Open Carrying in Resturaunt - Reuters-Bill Waugh

Brown Not Cutting Oil Industry Water Use because of Tax Collection

Governor Jerry Brown signed an executive order Wednesday implementing California’s first-ever mandatory water restrictions that require cities and towns to cut their water usage by 25 percent over the next nine months. But Brown will not cut oil company water use for fracking because the industry pays over $20 billion in state and local taxes.


Low Oil Prices Ahead as Fracking Breaks Even at $25/Barrel

The U.S. Energy Information Administraiton (EIA) has released a Drilling Productivity Report (DPR) that shows the U.S. drilling rig count in the four major “tight-oil” regions of the Permian, Eagle Ford, Bakken, and Niobrara fields fell 32%, from their October peak of 1160 to 780 rigs. However, despite a 65 percent crude oil price decline and the rig count at the lowest level in almost four years, the EIA predicts that production from these four regions is 500,000 barrels per day higher than in October. That translates to a $25 per barrel break-even price, meaning U.S. crude oil prices will remain low.

Fracking Protest 2014 (Brooke Anderson / Flickr)