Founding Fathers - Page 2

Women Launch Motherhood Movement, Push Back on Feminist Propaganda 

Organizers said the press conference held at the Phyllis Schlafly Center was to announce to the nation and the world that mothers want to take back America from the grip of feminism and liberalism and return it to a country focused on family, freedom and the principles embraced by its founding fathers.

And we’re LIVE in Washington, District of Columbia! Welcome to the "Moms March Move

Walter Williams: ‘We Have Betrayed the Founding Fathers’

In an interview that aired on the debut of Mark Levin’s Fox News Channel show “Life, Liberty & Levin,” George Mason University economics professor Walter Williams responded to a question about the expanding power of the federal government, which in


Hillary Clinton Opposes Founding Fathers on Gun Rights

On June 5 Hillary Clinton made clear she is diametrically opposed to the Founder Fathers’ goal of protecting natural rights via the Bill of Rights. Speaking to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Clinton suggested all constitutional rights are open to government regulation. She

Hillary Gun Control AP PhotoJohn Locher

Phil Robertson: ‘Depravity Has Become Mainstream,’ America Must Turn to God

“Duck Commander” Phil Robertson spoke with SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon on Breitbart News Daily on Wednesday, talking about “Torchbearer,” a forthcoming documentary on how America’s Founding Fathers understood that turning to God in obedient faith is essential to the United States—or any country—flourishing as a just, prosperous, and peaceful nation.


The Jacksonian Temptation: Trump vs. Cruz

Is America witnessing the re-emergence of “Jacksonian” politics? With increasing regularity, pundits are harkening back to the cultural and political movement that brought frontier General Andrew Jackson to the White House in order to explain the changes taking place in the Republican Party. The hero of the Battle of New Orleans is more relevant than ever, it seems.

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America Doesn’t Need ‘Presidents Day,’ It Needs the Constitution

On the third Monday of February, Americans celebrate George Washington’s Birthday, often inappropriately called “Presidents Day.” Even more unfortunately, this holiday doesn’t even fall on Washington’s Birthday due to the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill, which pushed numerous holidays to Monday in order to create more three-day weekends. Washington’s real birthday does not occur until February 22.

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Conservative Review: Liberals Miss the Point–Cruz Eligible

Sen. John McCain recently cast doubt over whether Ted Cruz is enough of a natural-born citizen to meet the qualifications to become president under U.S. Const. art. II, § 1, cl. 5. Contrasting to his birth on a U.S. Military base in Panama, he said, “[T]hat’s different from being born on foreign soil, so I think there is a question. I am not a Constitutional scholar on that, but I think it’s worth looking into.”

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Learning What It Means to be American

Peter Schramm, the late Professor of Political Science at Ashland University, used to tell a moving story about his immigration to the United States. As a child fleeing communist-occupied Hungary, he asked his father where the family would go. “We are going to America,” his father replied. “Why America?” Peter asked. “Because, son,” his father answered, “we were born Americans, but in the wrong place.”

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4th of July: Seven Big Ideas and Moments that Have Defined America

Though the very phrase “American Exceptionalism” is often mocked as simple-minded flag waving, there are concrete reasons that the American civilization is unique. The United States has a special place in world history. Despite the bumps, bruises, and outright contradictions that the country has muddled through in its very short existence, Americans can take pride in its numerous accomplishments, actions, and principles throughout the last two centuries.

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Rebuilding American Civic Traditions on the 4th of July

Americans celebrate the 4th of July with fireworks, barbecues, picnics and all other kinds of enjoyable festivities. It’s wonderful that we live in a free country and are able to enjoy the fruits of our prosperity and freedom. However, merely wearing red,white, and blue, shirts with bald eagles on them, and other patriotic symbols is only a superficial way to celebrate America’s hard-fought for independence.

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