foreign policy - Page 12

Dershowitz Rips Obama over Iran Deal, Bibi Snub

Former Harvard Law School professor and renowned defense attorney Alan Dershowitz has slammed President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats over their efforts to undermine Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress next week. In an op-ed to be published in Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal, Dershowitz accuses “Obama of direct intrusion on the power of Congress and on the constitutional separation of powers” in his objections to the speech.

Alan Dershowitz (Reuters)

MSNBC’s Harris-Perry: GOP Thinks Obama Does Too Much and Not Enough

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry argued that Republicans were being inconsistent for criticizing the president for being too weak on foreign policy while simultaneously criticizing his executive action on immigration on Saturday. After playing clips of Republican leaders criticizing the president’s


Six Year After Santelli’s Rant, Focus Shifts to Foreign Policy

Thursday marked the sixth anniversary of CNBC editor Rick Santelli’s famous “rant heard ’round the world” from the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade. It was the moment that launched a nascent movement, rousing conservatives to stand up to the radical presidency of Barack Obama. As I note in my recent book Wacko Birds: The Fall (and Rise) of the Tea Party, the Tea Party succeeded in stopping much of Obama’s agenda. It has since helped the GOP retake both Houses of Congress.

AP Photo/The Salt Lake Tribune, Scott Sommerdorf

National Media Praises Jeb Bush on Foreign Policy

Former Florida Governor and probably 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush, flexed his national security muscles when he gave a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs to discuss foreign policy agenda, in particularly the current war on Islamic

AP Photo/Jeff Chiu

Delusional: Obama, Kerry Plan to Fight Terror with ‘Peaceful Communities’

The Obama administration has no shame whatsoever about its denialist approach to radical Islamic terror. Rather than admit that its conference on “violent extremism” was, at best, window-dressing after the embarrassment of avoiding the Paris anti-terror march, it is attempting to turn political correctness into a foreign policy doctrine. The latest example is Secretary of State John Kerry’s “plan” for fighting “violent extremism,” published Thursday in the Wall Street Journal.


Cruz: Obama Makes Jimmy Carter Look ‘Resolute’

On Tuesday’s “Mark Levin Show,” Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said that President Obama’s “feckless and naive” foreign policy makes Jimmy Carter’s look “resolute.” “We are seeing the manifest disaster of the Obama/Clinton/Kerry foreign policy. Leading from behind doesn’t work. And


No Thanks to Obama, the World Is Finally Figuring Out How to Fight ISIS

Yes, it’s unfortunate that the US has a president, Barack Obama, who consistently sees things from the Muslim point of view. Even the Obamaphilic reporter Juliet Eilperin, writing for the Obamaphilic Washington Post, had to admit, “President Obama has never been one to go easy on America.”

King Abdullah of Jordan in Fighting Gear

International Relations Scholars: Kerry Least Effective Secretary of State in Half a Century

Nobody puts the SoS in Secretary of State quite like John Kerry, who has overseen the rout of American influence and prestige in every corner of the globe, managing the neat trick of making Hillary Clinton look relatively consequential, or at least harmless. Kerry has finally been given the recognition he deserves by foreign policy scholars, who named him the least effective SecState of the past 50 years.


Bolton: Obama and Rand ‘Very Dangerous’ on ISIS

Former UN Ambassador John Bolton argued that both President Obama and Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) take a “very dangerous” approach to ISIS on Thursday’s “John Gibson Show” on Fox News Radio. “The purpose of foreign policy, in the long term


Mitt Romney Bashes Hillary Clinton on Foreign Policy

Many Republicans want new blood, and while they think Romney is a swell guy, they feel his time has passed, and that Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, or some other like-minded candidate would have a better shot of defeating the Democrat nominee in 2016.

AP Photo/David Goldman

Russia Raids Tatar Crimean Television Station

Russian officials raided ATR, an independent Tatar Crimean television station on January 26. The deputy director said the men took equipment and tapes, which basically shut down all operations. Russians have consistently targeted the Tatar minority since Moscow annexed the peninsula from Ukraine in March 2014.


Obama’s deflated-football SOTU speech

Tha annual State of the Union address is the quintessential Beltway performance, a weird little surrealist play in which every scripted line, ad-lib, invited guest, and round of applause is calculated to send messages, settle scores, goose poll numbers, and above all help the Ruling Class feel important.

AP Photo/Mandel Ngan, Pool

On 1-Year Anniversary of Nuke Talks, Iran Signs Military Deal with Russia

On the one-year anniversary of the start of talks with Iran, and as President Barack Obama prepares to give his State of the Union address, Russia has signed a military deal with Iran. The agreement covers “includes expanded counter-terrorism cooperation, exchanges of military personnel for training purposes and an understanding for each country’s navy to more frequently use the other’s ports,” the AP reports.


Ron Johnson: ‘There Is No Strategy’ to Defeat ISIS

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee said that “there is no strategy” to defeat ISIS on Monday’s “Kelly File” on the Fox News Channel. “I’m not sure how much time President Obama will devote to


7 Foreign Policy Blunders That Spell Danger on Iran

President Barack Obama has made it clear that a nuclear deal with Iran is one of his top priorities this year. Disarmament has, in fact, been the only constant in his foreign policy, not just since taking office in 2009 but since his college days at Columbia. Yet as negotiations have broken one deadline after another, America’s allies–especially Israel and Saudi Arabia–have become alarmed, fearing a weak deal that will leave Iran on the cusp of nuclear armament. Five key foreign policy blunders reinforced those fears.


Obama on Iran Embassy: ‘Never Say Never’

President Barack Obama hinted that he might be prepared to establish a new U.S. embassy in Tehran ” if we can get a deal on making sure that Iran does not have a nuclear weapon,” and the deal led to warmer relations with the Iranian regime.


Rubio: Rand, Obama Have ‘Identical Foreign Policy’

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) argued that Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has an “identical foreign policy” with President Obama on Tuesday’s “Laura Ingraham Show.” While Rubio denied there was a spat between he and Paul, he did declare “Rand has made

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Peggy Noonan’s ‘Bitter Clingers’ on Cuba

Peggy Noonan’s praise for the Obama administration’s new Cuba policy has one particularly ugly paragraph that demands its own response. (I posted an initial criticism of her overall column on Friday, and this one paragraph has bothered me for the better

Noonan-Breitbart TV