foreign policy - Page 11

Hillary’s Foreign Policy Is A ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Subject For the Media

It is amazing that a former Secretary of State is running for President, with the world in flames due to the blunders of the Administration she used to be part of, at a moment when American voters have elevated foreign policy to one of their top concerns… and yet she has scarcely a word to say on the subject, and the media seems disinclined to ask her about it.

The Associated Press

Rubio in NH: 2016 Will be a Referendum on Our Identity as a Nation

America is “engaged in a global competition” for investment and talent, Marco Rubio says, and is being held back by regulations that are crushing innovation, an excessive corporate tax rate, businesses that are not growing because of Obamacare, and energy policies that are blocking us from using our natural resources.

Photo Apr 17, 7 12 59 PM

Rubio: My Doctrine Is That US Is ‘Indispensable Power’

Senator and presidential candidate Marco Rubio (R-FL) declared the “Rubio Doctrine” would be that the US is the “indispensable power on the planet” in an interview broadcast on Monday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel. Rubio stated, “the Rubio Doctrine


Analysis: Obama is Deaf, at Least to Netanyahu

On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made public suggestions as to how a “bad deal” on Iran’s nuclear program could be improved. He suggested shutting down all of Iran’s underground facilities, and lifting sanctions only when Iran stops carrying out terror and aggression in the region. It was at least the fourth time Netanyahu had proposed clear alternatives to the Iran deal–though U.S. President Barack Obama persists in pretending he has never proposed any.

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Obama Flacks for Khamenei to Save Iran Deal

President Barack Obama attempted on Saturday to dismiss harsh criticism by Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who had accused the American president last week of “lying” about the terms of the nuclear framework reached in Lausanne, Switzerland earlier this month. Obama tried to explain that Khamenei’s remarks were intended for domestic political purposes: “Even a guy with the title ‘Supreme Leader’ has to be concerned about his own constituencies,” Obama said.

The Associated Press

Castro Knows How to Play on Obama’s Narcissicm

The Castro brothers haven’t survived in power without being canny politicians as well as ruthless tyrants. And they have President Barack Obama pegged: they know that his ego trumps all other priorities, and are willing to flatter him to win concessions. Raúl Castro used his country’s debut at the Summit of the Americas to deliver an hour-long rant against the U.S. role in the region–then excused Obama: “I apologize to him because President Obama had no responsibility for this.”

The Associated Press

Rick Perry Slams Obama and Congress on ‘Failing’ Foreign Policy

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry, currently preparing for a second presidential campaign, had a hard-hitting op-ed in the New Hampshire Union Leader on Friday, with a sharp critique of America’s current foreign policy aimed not just at President Barack Obama, but at Congressional leaders from both parties.

Rick Perry

Jeb Bush Gives Obama ‘Credit’ on Iran; James Baker’s Influence at Work

Rand Paul may be “closest to Obama in his view on foreign policy,” as Dr. Charles Krauthammer put it on Tuesday, but he is facing stiff competition from Jeb Bush in that category.The former Florida governor praised Obama’s initial negotiating efforts with Iran on Tuesday, telling an audience in Denver that “we need to give him credit” for “bringing other people along and making it tougher.” The puzzling statement suggests the influence of James A. Baker III on the Bush campaign.

AP Photos / Charlie Neibergall / David J. Phillip

Stuck In Yemen? Help Could Be Just A Click Away

If you happen to be trapped in the war-torn country Barack Obama described as one of his big foreign-policy “success stories” just months ago, and you’re feeling a bit nervous that the State Department has no plans to evacuate you, why not try clicking on

AP Photo/Hani Mohammed

Establishment Falsely Smears Rand Paul with Foreign Policy Attack Ads as He Launches Presidential Campaign

LOUISVILLE, Kentucky — Establishment Republicans are falsely smearing Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) with a million dollars worth of inaccurate attack ads on his foreign policy position as he announces his 2016 presidential campaign on Tuesday—something that shows off his viability as a serious contender not only for the Republican nomination but for the White House in a general election.

REUTERS/Gary Cameron

Iran Talks Extended; Deal on April Fool’s Day

Diplomats meeting Tuesday in Lausanne, Switzerland to hammer out the framework agreement for a deal on Iran’s nuclear program missed their deadline of March 31, and resolved to continue their negotiations for an additional day, expecting to complete an agreement on April 1st, otherwise known as April Fool’s Day.


Jeb Bush Adviser Slams Netanyahu, Israel at Left-Wing J Street Gala

Former Secretary of State James A. Baker III, a foreign policy adviser to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday evening at the Washington gala dinner for J Street, a Soros-funded left-wing group that is devoted to disrupting the close U.S.-Israel alliance. Baker said that Netanyahu had been too forceful in his opposition to a nuclear deal with Iran, and that he had shown insufficient commitment to peace with the Palestinians.

James A. Baker at J Street (Screenshot / YouTube)

James Baker Advising Jeb Bush, Keynoting J Street Conference

Former Secretary of State James A. Baker III is to deliver the keynote at this weekend’s J Street conference, a gathering of left-wing activists opposed to the Israeli government and to recently re-elected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Baker, who served under President George H.W. Bush, is also advising Jeb Bush in his presidential effort, according to a report by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Baker is considered hostile to Israel and is controversial among Jewish voters.

James A. Baker III (Reuters)

Netanyahu Vs. the Left’s Dream Of Statesmanship Through Appeasement

American liberals won’t like it. But Netanyahu’s win shows Israeli voters are still concerned about the cold realities of national security, while Obama’s crew is busy gambling billions of dollars and millions of lives on elaborate theories about how appeasement can turn terrorists into statesmen.

AP Photo/Charles Dharapak

Qualified, but Confused: Israeli Left Chooses Yadlin for Defense

The Times of Israel is leading Sunday evening with a profile of Amos Yadlin, the Israeli left’s choice for defense minister if the Zionist Union wins Tuesday’s election and is able to form a coalition government. Though Yadlin was a pilot during the mission to destroy Iraq’s nuclear reactor in 1981, and allegedly helped destroy Syria’s reactor in 2007, he suffers under some of the left’s more destructive policy delusions.

Amos Yadlin (Gil Magen / Reuters)

Krauthammer: Obama ‘Checked Out’ of Foreign Policy

Columnist Charles Krauthammer said President Obama has “checked out” of foreign policy on Friday’s “On the Record” on the Fox News Channel. “After a time, you run up against reality. You can’t deny reality. He tries to pretend, and he


Breitbart California Interview: Governor Scott Walker

On Tuesday, March 10, I had a chance to sit down for an interview with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker while he was on a swing through Southern California. Having just been re-elected last November, Walker is on the campaign trail gauging support for a run for the Republican nomination for President of the United States.

Gage Skidmore / Flickr

UPDATES: Netanyahu Address to Congress

Israeli Prime Minister addresses Congress on Tuesday, March 3. His topic, as per Speaker of the House John Boehner, is to explain “the grave threats radical Islam and Iran pose to our security and way of life.”

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais