Louisiana Governor Makes Forcing Abortion Pills on Pregnant Women a Crime
Sen. Thomas Pressly introduced the bill after his sister’s husband secretly tried to abort her baby multiple times using abortion pills.

Sen. Thomas Pressly introduced the bill after his sister’s husband secretly tried to abort her baby multiple times using abortion pills.
Cuba’s communist regime is planning to force political prisoner Lisdany Rodríguez Isaac, who is reportedly currently seven weeks pregnant, to kill her unborn child, the human rights organization Prisoners Defenders denounced on Tuesday evening.
The Premium Times of Nigeria reported on Monday that a panel investigating human rights violations in the insurgent-plagued northeast has heard testimony from 50 witnesses on abuses perpetrated by the Nigerian military, including mass abortions and the murder of children.
A GOP bill would require abortionists to file a report with the National Human Trafficking Hotline if they suspect a woman is a victim of human trafficking.
Two members of the House subcommittee on Africa, Reps. Sara Jacobs (D-CA) and Chris Smith (R-NJ), on Wednesday asked President Joe Biden to halt a $1 billion arms sale to Nigeria due to humanitarian abuses, including the Nigerian military allegedly killing children and running a near-genocidal illegal abortion program.
Human rights champion Reggie Littlejohn took advantage of International Women’s Day to condemn the continuing forced abortions and other violations of women’s rights perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Prominent Chinese human rights activist Guangcheng Chen denounced the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) ruthless population control policies in a powerful address this week.
China’s use of forced abortions and sterilizations to weed out undesirable elements in the population is nothing new, declares a leading human rights expert, but reflects policies that go back 100 years.
One would think that China’s brutal one-child policy would have discredited population control programs for all time, but socialist Bernie Sanders is still pushing them.
Three people in West Virginia have been charged in the case of a sexually abused teen whose aunt allegedly forced her to drink turpentine to attempt to abort her unborn baby.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is pushing for the U.S. to issue a visa to the disabled British Catholic woman who is fighting against a UK judge’s “forced abortion” order, sending a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Monday.
British Court of Appeal judges reversed a Court of Protection judge’s order to force a disabled woman to have an abortion.
A UK judge has ordered that an abortion be performed on a pregnant woman with developmental disabilities despite the opposition of the woman and her mother, who are Catholic.
A British judge has ordered a disabled woman to have an abortion at 22 weeks despite the objections of the woman and her mother.
North Korean defector Ji Hyeon-a appeared at a United Nations event entitled “The Terrifying Experience of Forcibly Repatriated North Korean Women” on Monday, where she described her own experiences as a woman three times repatriated to the inhuman dictatorship after escaping to China.
In his preface to the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2016 Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the United States is committed to guaranteeing human rights around the globe.
President Trump’s administration is ending U.S. funding of the United Nations Population Fund – an agency that human rights activists have linked to the support of population control programs such as China’s coercive abortion “one-child policy.”
The Marxist narco-terrorist group known as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) has been linked to more than 230 cases of sexual crimes against boys and girls, including rape, forced sterilizations, and forced abortions, reveals the Colombian government.
Despite its recent hyped-up move to a “two-child policy,” China’s notorious family planning police continue to regularly examine women to make sure they have not gotten pregnant illegally, and make use of forced abortions and involuntary sterilizations in case of unpermitted pregnancies.
“Repression and coercion markedly increased” in Communist China during the year 2015, according to a new U.S. State Department report, which describes organizations and individuals that suffered egregious attacks on their religious, civil, and political rights.
Human rights and rule of law conditions in China have been on a “downward trend” since Xi Jinping took power as Chinese Communist Party General Secretary in 2012, resulting in 2015 being the worst year on record for human rights
Experts and human rights activists at a congressional hearing assert that China’s recently announced switch to a “two-child policy” is nothing more than a continuation of the Communist Party’s control over its citizens through terror, and that little will change as a result of it.