FOIA - Page 3

Judicial Watch Marshalls Massive Legal Effort in Clinton Email Scandal

As JW president, I have the honor of reporting to you our successes in holding our government to account. We beat the Obama IRS and exposed its ongoing corruption. We exposed the deepest Benghazi cover-ups all the way to the Oval Office. We forced the creation of a Select Committee on Benghazi. We forced the Clinton email scandal into the open. And then we uncovered even more facts in a way that embarrasses most of the media and Congress (and helped lead to the resignation of John Boehner as Speaker of the House).

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hackers Have a Field Day at the Department of Energy

Does anyone in the Administration think the public should have been told their massive Energy Department – which is primarily concerned with interfering with energy production, not creating it – was hit by hackers over a thousand times, and successfully penetrated on 159 occasions? We needed USA Today to choke the news out of them with a FOIA request?

power lines

Hillary Clinton’s BlackBerry

Hillary Clinton doesn’t like to answer tough questions. In fact, she doesn’t like to be questioned at all about anything. For many years a compliant news media has allowed her to escape scrutiny. But times are changing.

AP Photo/Na Son-Nguyen

Surprise! IRS Finally Reveals Lois Lerner’s Secret Email Account

The government’s boasts of transparency and accountability stand revealed as toxic illusions. There is nothing “transparent” about answering pertinent questions years later. No one is held accountable at all, even though a strong case can be made that the politicized IRS tipped the 2012 election. Rest assured, that case would be made very loudly if this was the tale of a Republican president’s re-election campaign intimidating minority and environmentalist groups by slow-walking their tax-exempt applications.


Court Action in Hillary Clinton Email Scandal

Judicial Watch has been remarkably successful in finally breaking open the Hillary Clinton email scandal. Now, the American people may finally get answers directly from Mrs. Clinton about her email gamesmanship – under penalty of perjury.


Aide to Hillary Blocked Document Release

Cheryl Mills — who served as Associate Counsel to the President in the White House in the Bill Clinton Administration, defended Clinton in his 1999 impeachment trial, and served as the Counselor and Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton when Clinton was Secretary of State — tried to block certain records involving Clinton that had been requested through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), according to the Wall Street Journal.

Joe Raedle/Getty Images/AFP

Obamacare Docs: Obama White House Violates Your Privacy?

Some of that personal health care information that you want kept private and confidential is anything but private and confidential. Apparently, Obama White House pressure led to changes to privacy policies, making it possible for certain private information to be shared with advertisers and who knows who else.

AP Photo/Don Ryan

Obama Administration Sets Another Record For Government Secrecy

Under the most transparent administration ever, when you read a news story about some blockbuster tidbit of information retrieved with a Freedom of Information Act “request,” the truth is that the information was almost always pried loose with a FOIA lawsuit. The requests don’t go anywhere, unless they’re for entirely innocuous info. Lawsuits are what penetrate the Obama stone wall, and those take a long time to resolve.

AP Photo/Charles Dharapak

Former FOIA Overseer Calls Hillary’s Email Defense ‘Laughable’

It’s not news, but the Clinton email scandal reminds us that the increasingly despotic Democrat Party thinks representative government should be done away with, replaced by a single election every four years to empower a unitary gridlock-free imperial executive. The emperor, or empress, can’t be distracted by peasants who forget their place and file Freedom of Information Act requests, either.

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

U.S. Senate Follows Judicial Watch Lead on Obamacare Fraud

Someone on Capitol Hill has taken notice of the lawsuit Judicial Watch filed last fall challenging members of Congress who are taking advantage of health benefits they are not entitled to claim. That someone is Sen. David Vitter (R-LA), who now chairs the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee.


Another Benghazi Cover-Up

Contrary to what the Obama administration had initially claimed in its public comments, top U.S. diplomatic officials knew the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, was under terrorist attack on September 11, 2012.


DC Admits Obamacare for Congress Scheme Unlawful

They didn’t fess up willingly, but after we applied the appropriate pressure, government officials responsible for operating the Washington, D.C. Obamacare “Small Business Exchange” have finally admitted that Congress is taking advantage of health benefits its members and staff are not entitled to claim.


Three Lawsuits over Gitmo Terrorist Release

According to the Obama administration, the five Guantanamo terrorists they traded for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl are “no longer a threat to U.S. national security.” That’s what former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel concluded when he signed the document setting
