Nolte: Democrats Can’t Even Deliver Water and Electricity
Democrats are in complete control of California and can’t deliver enough water and electricity to keep its citizens comfortable.

Democrats are in complete control of California and can’t deliver enough water and electricity to keep its citizens comfortable.
Even though Democrats have run Jackson, Mississippi, for over 70 years, the media blame that city’s water failures on “systemic racism.”
The state of Michigan is poised to charge ex-Gov. Rick Snyder (R) and former aides for their role in the Flint water scandal.
DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, his health director and other ex-officials have been told they’re being charged after a new investigation of the Flint water scandal, which devastated the majority Black city with lead-contaminated water and was blamed for a deadly outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in 2014-15, The Associated Press has learned.
Flint City Council Member Maurice Davis said Donald Trump has given a voice to poor Americans whereas Democrats have never done so.
President Donald Trump took to Twitter to criticize former Michigan Republican Gov. Rick Snyder for endorsing Joe Biden for president.
Flint Democrats are warning former GOP Gov. Rick Snyder’s endorsement of former Vice President Joe Biden may deliver the state to President Donald Trump.
The former Republican Michigan governor progressives accused of poisoning black people has endorsed Joe Biden for president.
Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has chosen a new crisis in which to lend a hand — the Flint, Michigan, lead-contaminated water problem.
Documentary filmmaker and left-wing political activist Michael Moore appeared at the Michigan Capitol building on Friday to spray ‘Flint water’ at Republican Governor Rick Snyder’s office.
Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) said Democrats view the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as their “pet project” to “dictate and direct egregious actions against the American people” during a Friday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour and guest host Frances Martel.
Before their title game against the Wolverines, a Villanova fan hung a banner on campus shaming Michigan by mocking the Flint water crisis.
A new study conducted by an environmental watchdog found that nearly 800, or 71 percent, of Texas public and charter schools tested contained some degree of lead in drinking water.
Anita MonCrief, director of Activist Training at Solutions Institute, appeared on Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Matt Boyle to talk about the work her group is doing in Flint, Michigan.
Ohio State fans mock Michigan girls using Flint water crisis sign.
A Michigan mother is furious that now-DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile sent Hillary Clinton advance notice of her question at a Democratic presidential debate in Flint, Michigan this March. At the time, LeeAnne Walters said Clinton’s response (even with the advance notice) made her want to “vomit.”
On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated of undecided voters in Flint, Michigan, “I feel bad for you, but not 100%.” Maher said, after reading a statement from a voter in Flint who suggested Democratic presidential
Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president, is upstaging Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton yet again on Wednesday, this time with a visit to Flint, Michigan, to tour the city’s infamous water facilities in crisis.
Virginia Tech professor Marc Edwards, an environmental engineer whose work helped uncover the Flint water crisis, penned a scathing critique of actor Mark Ruffalo and his Water Defense organization on Monday in which he blasted the actor for spreading “fear and misinformation” about the crisis that could worsen the problem for those affected.
Filmmaker Michael Moore argued that the handling of the Flint water crisis was “a hate crime. It was a hate crime based on this race hatred of this particular party” on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time.” Moore said, “Within a
Liberal filmmaker and Flint, Michigan native Michael Moore lit into Hillary Clinton and heaped praise on Bernie Sanders while live-tweeting CNN’s Democrat presidential debate, which aired live from Flint on Sunday night.