FIFA - Page 5

American Football vs. International Futbol

George Carlin’s classic critique of football and baseball strikes today as slightly yesterday. But his premise easily extrapolates to compare and contrast the good ol’ US of A and all our funny-sounding international neighbors, who seem to adore a kicky-kick sport (what we call “soccer”) managed by the honorable men of FIFA.

Clint Dempsey AP

Blue State Blues: FIFA Stands for ‘F— Israel, F— America’

For decades, our global betters have been urging Americans to take more of an interest in soccer. And we have–though not the interest the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) had in mind. This week, the U.S. Department of Justice revealed that 14 FIFA officials had been indicted for corruption. In somewhat related news, FIFA is to vote this weekend on suspending Israel from international soccer because of security-related travel restrictions on some Palestinian players.

Blue State Blues (Breitbart)

World Cup of Fraud: Blatter Under Pressure to Quit

The world’s most popular sport is in the midst of the biggest crisis in its history. Senior figures past and present stand charged with fraud, major sponsors are threatening to withdraw support and FIFA president Sepp Blatter is under pressure

The Associated Press

UEFA Calls for New FIFA Leadership

UEFA, the European governing body of soccer, issued a statement on Wednesday calling for new leadership in FIFA, the Fédération Internationale de Football Association, which runs international soccer and the World Cup.

The Associated Press

FIFA Keeping Arrested Officials in Power—For Now

FIFA characterizes Wednesday morning’s corruption arrests of its officials as “the consequences of what we initiated.” But the international governing body for soccer refuses to initiate consequences or for the FIFA officials arrested thus far.

The Associated Press

Brazil Left with Expensive Stadiums, Debt after World Cup

Brazil spent $3.6 million on new stadiums and $3 million on infrastructure for the 2014 World Cup, which made it the most expensive World Cup in history. This is mainly due to Brazil’s choice to host matches in 12 cities instead of the usual 8. But now it appears to be a waste of money as stadiums are left in the dust.
