Report: Silicon Valley Democrat Says Middle America Is ‘Podunk, USA’
Silicon Valley’s Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) reportedly referred to Middle America as “Podunk, USA” during a closed-door Energy and Commerce Committee meeting last week.

Silicon Valley’s Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) reportedly referred to Middle America as “Podunk, USA” during a closed-door Energy and Commerce Committee meeting last week.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chairman Ajit Pai revealed Friday that the federal agency has received “a number of” complaints and is considering whether to fine Stephen Colbert for The Late Show host’s vulgar joke about President Donald Trump.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai plans a quick repeal of the controversial net neutrality order and wants to replace it with lighter regulations intended to preserve an open internet.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai announced that the agency will establish an Office of Economics and Data to eliminate harmful regulations, and push more economically-sound regulations.
The House will vote Tuesday on S.J. 34, a resolution that repeals the FCC’s broadband privacy rules.
the FCC wants to unlock the “set-top box” that brings cable television into your home, so you won’t have to rent those boxes from the cable companies any more.
Ajit Pai, one of the two Republicans on the five-member FCC, says a $51 million fraud investigation into the Lifeline cell-phone welfare program was kept hidden until after a key vote to expand the program was held.
Roughly 1 in 9 black children you pass on the street has or has had a parent in prison, according to a recent study by Maryland-based research firm Child Trends.
ObamaCare for the Internet, also known as “Net Neutrality,” is getting shoved down our throats the same way ObamaCare was. The plan remains secret from the public, while those promoting it talk about a more “free and open Internet” without bothering to explain how further government regulation would lead to that outcome.