FBI investigation

Linda Tripp: The Colossal Clinton Con

She’s finally done it. The country faces a possible constitutional crisis should Hillary win the election. With a federal criminal investigation of the President-Elect underway, President Obama might well issue a preemptive presidential pardon on his way out the door.

linda trip

Hillary Clinton’s Head Trauma Only Allowed Her to Work ‘A Few Hours a Day’

Though Hillary Clinton and her supporters have mocked those who have questioned whether her health problems would interfere with the demanding duties assigned to the presidency, Clinton herself said her head trauma caused her to limit her work as secretary of state to only “a few hours a day,” and to not recall briefings related to the secure handling of government records, FBI documents reveal.


Poll: Trump Beats Hillary Clinton on Honesty

A new Rasmussen survey finds Donald Trump with a 2-1 edge over Hillary Clinton on an important measure of honesty. Almost a third of likely voters, 30 percent, said Trump was more honest than the average politician. Just 15 percent of voters said the same about Hillary Clinton, though.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump look set to slug it out for the White House in November's